Sunday, March 11, 2012

Why do kidneys fail?

What everyone should know about kidney diseases
Ph.D. Svjetlana Cala, a kidney

How can you KNOW that your kidneys functioning poorly?
Most patients who embarks on dialysis did not know she has a kidney disease, because it is not treated, they were faced with kidney failure just a month before he started treatment with hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. Chronic kidney disease does not hurt, it silently damages the kidneys and are showing signs only when the kidneys are almost completely "consumed".
The average patient who goes on dialysis is 66 years, more frequently male, overweight, diabetes, high blood pressure and blood fats, "but it did not much mind, until recently, it felt good and made plans to enjoy the deserved retirement. sugar values ​​in recent years were not particularly high. has high blood pressure, but pressure to all the family. "

WHY KIDNEY you go with?
Loss of renal function due to which life must go on dialysis or a kidney transplant, most commonly caused by diabetes. What was previously called senile diabetes, mild diabetes or diabetes benign disease is not benign. A third of patients who need to undergo dialysis to survive, they lost their kidneys due to diabetes.
Kidneys (and other organs), and it destroys diabetes, which apparently does not cause great difficulties, in which blood sugar may not be very high, which is not treated with insulin, even those not treated with tablets. It happens to detect diabetes at the same time as kidney failure, and the patient for her previously did not even know. This does not mean that diabetes was not before, but its characters were unrecognized or ignored. To destroy the kidneys, diabetes should be about twenty years.
Long-standing high blood pressure, particularly poorly treated, gradually damages the smallest blood vessels of the kidney and prevents the kidneys are working normally. High blood pressure causes no symptoms and do not warn patients need treatment until they make a permanent damage to the kidneys, heart, brain. Because hypertension is pain free, frequent and continuous, many neglect the treatment of hypertension. In particular, some people carried out the instructions of a healthy lifestyle, which is a key part of the treatment of hypertension. More and more obese people, obesity is a major cause of high blood pressure. Hypertensives begin to regularly take medication only when they have symptoms of heart damage, brain and blood vessels.
Atherosclerosis (narrowing of arteries due to delay fat) cause is reduced blood flow that leads to heart attack, stroke, ruptured aorta, the withering away of the legs to be amputated. The narrowing of renal arteries prevents the normal functioning of the kidneys, the kidneys are small and ultimately fails.And this is a renal disease imperceptible and painless, sometimes the only sign of worsening hypertension long time.
Kidneys can fail and the disease which affected only the beginning of the kidneys. Glomerulonephritis is an immune disease that can cause kidney failure. Polycystic kidney disease is the most common hereditary kidney disease. Kidney stones and congenital kidney disorders, particularly associated with bacterial infections can lead to deterioration of kidney function.
Diabetes mellitus, hypertension and atherosclerosis are common diseases. In Croatia, diabetes has a one in ten adults, hypertension, there are 40% and 52% of people die from heart and blood vessels.Because renal failure usually occurs due to diabetes, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, acting individually, but more often the same persons associated.

Can it be prevented kidney function decline?
If kidney damage is detected early, apply the treatment that can slow or stop further damage to the kidneys, or even repair the damage. Chronic kidney disease and risk of loss of renal function can be detected early in the examination of urine and blood. Protein in the urine talking about the danger of deterioration of the kidneys, the blood creatinine in calculating the degree of existing renal impairment. The main goal of treatment is to reduce the leakage of protein into the urine, the choice of medicines for blood pressure. It will be applied and any other measures that preserve kidney.

Chronic kidney disease is not only a risk for kidney function decline and the need of dialysis treatment.Much higher risk of premature death in patients with reduced kidney function and protein in the urine.Kidney disease worsens blood vessels, heart and brain, decreases quality of life (after a heart attack, stroke, amputation) and increases the risk of death for more than 10 times.

WHOSE must test the kidneys?
People with known renal disease require regular treatment and control.
All people with diabetes, hypertension, those whose relatives had been treated by dialysis and those with heart or blood vessels need to check blood and urine tests to determine the condition of the kidneys.

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