Sunday, March 11, 2012

Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney is the most common hereditary kidney disease, characterized by the occurrence of numerous serous cysts of the kidneys.


Polycystic kidney is the most common hereditary kidney disease, characterized by the occurrence of numerous serous cysts of the kidneys. There are two forms of the disease and to the adult form of the infantile form. The infantile form of the hereditary form, but if both parents have the defective gene, whereas the adult form, the form that appears in adult humans, but it is also hereditary, because it had a faulty gene from one parent and the faulty gene has overcome the common parent gene .

Adult form


The first symptoms appear about 30 years of age and the most common first symptom is pain in the loins, which, as the case may be stronger or weaker. In patients in whom the pain is weaker in the possible occurrence of blood in the urine (hematuria), while in patients who have severe and violent bouts of pain noted frequent renal sand or small stones in the urine. Patients also complain of a feeling of weakness, fatigue, asthenia and polyuria (increased amounts of urine). Notably, the increase in blood pressure in patients.
In more acute cases of the disease by touching the area of ​​the kidney, the hand can feel the rough surface of the kidney.


Some of the possible complications of polycystic kidney: occurrence of kidney infections, stones and bleeding, renal failure, hypertension and kidney cancer.


The safest and most accurate test for diagnosis of this disease is renal CT with contrast, although the need and the case history and clinical patients, renal ultrasound and blood tests and urine tests.
Urine tests are often determined by proteinuria, and urine are present and bacteria and pus.


Treatment consists of alleviating the existing problems of disease, reducing pain and preventing complications. Unfortunately there is no cure or treatment that could cure the disease completely.

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