Normal results of urine / urine:
Urine in healthy people is a clear liquid that can roil standing Zgog flocs secretion or due to the presence of different salts, while in various comorbid conditions may cause the presence of microorganisms, leukocytes, erythrocytes and crystals of various drugs.
Light yellow - light straw and stems of urinary pigments such as urohrom (from hemoglobin), uroetrin (of melanin), urorosein (from indoloctne acid), urobilin (from urobilinogen), and standing in a dark air-oxidation of colorless chromogen into a colored product .
Aromatic. The smell of food influences, and some medications. Standing of urine is urea decomposes into ammonia, which results in the smell of ammonia. The unpleasant odor is a urinary tract infection due to the presence of bacteriuria and leukocyturia (pus). The conditions that result ketonurijom (diabetes - diabetes mellitus, starvation, malabsorption) can be stale smell of the fruit.
Osmolality and urine specific gravity indicators of renal concentration capacity and decrease in osmolality is the first sign of renal failure, even before the rise in blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine.
4.5-8 (approximately, 6):
Kidneys are the lungs, the organs in the regulation of acid-base balance as regulating the secretion of acid that is produced by normal metabolic processes. High pH of urine is an indication of urinary tract infection, but it may indicate that the urine is not fresh. An important role of pH of urine to create a urinary stones because ionic composition and solubility of substances that affect stone formation and the crystallization depend on the pH of urine.
Specific gravity
Specific gravity and osmolality of urine are indicators of renal concentration capacity.
Protein-protein: negative
The protein in the urine are a mixture of high-and low-molecular protein produced by filtration plasma proteins from kidney and those of uro-tract, which results in different proteinuria. Most proteins secreted in the urine of healthy individuals is postglomerulanog origin and detection of specific proteins, such as albumin sensitive test for the detection of renal disease.
Ketones: Negative
Ketone bodies (acetone, acetocetna acid and beta-hidroksimalačna acid) are the products of degradation of fatty acid normally present in the blood and urine in very small concentrations.Increased concentrations indicate the development of diabetic complications, and they are found in the urine of diabetic ketoacidosis, pediatric patients and pregnant women.
Glucose: negative
Glucose is reabsorbed in the tubules of the primary urine, and since they can not all tubule reabsorbed glucose, a certain amount of glucose in the urine passes, a 0.08 mmol / L glucose. The appearance of glucose in the urine, glycosuria, occurs when blood glucose exceeds the ability of reabsorption in the renal tubules and appears in people with high blood sugar caused by different states.
Sediment / microscopic examination:
Hematopoetičke station
Hematopoetičke cells are erythrocytes (ERC), leukocytes (Lkc), eosinophilic granulocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages.
The urine of healthy persons may contain several ERC, but never more than 3 per field Erc large increase. Erc presence in urine, hematuria, serious diagnostic findings and is always an indication of a urinary tract infection due to bleeding or kidney disease. If blood is macroscopically visible, called makrohematurijom, while the word microhematuria only when the blood can be determined by the microscopic examination. The causes are multiple and hematuria can be divided into renal parenchymal disease hematuria, renal vascular disease, urinary tract disease and ekskrecijske systemic coagulation disorder. Renal hematuria usually cause glomerulonephritis, tubulointerstitial damage and vasculitis that damage the blood stream nephron.
Makrohematurija the most urological problem should first check whether the patient has called.painless haematuria that appears in kidney cancer, coagulopathy, acute glomerulonephritis, check if there are any problems at dizurični urinary tract infections, bladder cancer, renal tuberculosis, hemorrhagic cystitis, check whether the present pain that occurs in polycystic kidney disease, renal cell carcinoma, or present to the extent as in nephrolithiasis, papillary necrosis. Finally, it should check whether the patient is taking anticoagulants or platelet aggregation inhibitors.
Mikrohematuriju pathology characterized by the number of urinary sediment (> 3 Erc in sight) and the appearance of red blood cells. Morphological changes of perfectly round "isomorphic" to the ERC significantly changed cell "dismorfičnih" ERC to locate origin of bleeding. "Isomorphic" Erc usually come from the lower part of the urinary tract, while "dismorfični" Erc indicate kidney disease. The presence of> 80% »dismorfičnih" ERC indicates glomerular hematuria. Acanthocytes, sub dismorfičnih erythrocytes, but it seems that the amount of> 5% of the total number of ERC, indicate glomerular bleeding origin.
The finding of hemoglobin in the urine occurs in hemolytic anemia after transfusion of incompatible blood, and the more intense states of decay ERC and the resulting increase in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Give more blood red color urine (oxyhemoglobin). In acidic urine hemoglobin passes into methemoglobin, which gives the urine brown. In addition to hemoglobin in the urine could be extracted and myoglobin.
Leukocytes in the urine of healthy persons normally found, but their number increased leading indicator for urinary tract infection, as well as non-infectious kidney disease.
Leukocyturia associated with bacteriuria due to inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) or kidney (pyelonephritis).
Leukocyturia may be: renal origin, and it is then related to the infection of the upper parts of the urinary tract (acute and chronic), acute glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, reflux disease, polycystic kidney disease, nephrolithiasis, renal tuberculosis, urinary tract obstruction. originating from the lower part of the urinary tract in cystitis,
Stones in the bladder papillomas, bladder cancer, bladder diverticulosis.
originating in the prostate and urethra urethritis at different etiology (sexually transmitted infections, herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea) and prostatitis, chronic and acute, inflammation of the gland (Cowper, Littre, the seminal bags).
illness adjacent organs at appendicitis, adnexitis, piosalpingitisa,
cancer of the uterus, rectum, cecum sigmoid part of the colon.
Eosinophils are present in the urinary sediment of urine infection and then make up <5% of total Lkc.A higher percentage of eosinophils can be found in ateroembolijskih kidney disease, as well as in secondary acute interstitial nephritis due to drug allergy. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Lymphocytes are a rare finding in the urinary sediment. The appearance of lymphocytes is associated with chronic inflammation, viral diseases, as well as in cases of rejection of transplanted kidney. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Macrophages (mononuclear phagocytes), are cells that are found in the urine in the inflammatory process. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Epithelial cells
Epithelial cells include: squamous epithelium, transitional epithelium, renal tubular epithelial cells and lipid.
Squamous epithelium
Squamous epithelium is the largest cells in the urinary sediment and dates from the end segments of the urinary tract (urethra) and the vagina, which is often present in small numbers in the urinary sediment. These are polygonal cells, and come individually, although often occur in clusters.Sometimes you can see the colonization of bacteria in the cytoplasm of the cell, which is thought to be an important step in the development of urinary tract infection.
If there is already a lot of sediment squamous epithelium cells, and the absence of Lkc, it shows that the cells come from the lower part of the urethra, and generally means pollution as improper collection or badly managed toilets vulva. Such a finding of no diagnostic value, and if there is a high number Lkc, must be excluded vaginal contamination to confirm urinary tract infections.
In very rare cases of malignant processes in the lower parts of the urinary tract can be found squamous epithelium cells in the urinary sediment, but then show the changes in the structure and shape of the nucleus. In the event of such findings require further cytological processing.
The transitional epithelium
The transitional epithelium or "urotel" is visokospecifični multilayer epithelium that lines the cistern pitchers renal, bladder in women and proximal urethra in men. Finding TCC cell is most common in the lower parts of the urinary tract infection or a urological disorders deeper layers, malicious processes, various infections, urinary stones or kidney hydronephrosis.
Renal tubular epithelium
Kidney tubular epithelium is a single layer epithelium lining the nephron, including the cells that line the glomeruli, proximal and distal tubules and collecting ducts, which occur in a large number of different forms. The appearance of these cells in the urine is associated with acute tubular necrosis and rejection of the transplanted kidney, with fever, various toxic damage (drugs, particularly aspirin, heavy metals), various inflammations, infections and tumors. Tubular cells are usually associated with findings suggestive of renal parenchymal disease. Sometimes, but very rarely, can be found in the urine of healthy individuals as a result of epithelial regeneration.
Lipid station
Lipid fatty degeneration cells signify-renal tubular epithelial cells in the urine usually appear as free lipid droplets of fat or saturated tubular epithelium cells, so-called. oval fatty corpuscles. They can also be embedded in fatty cylinders, as well as cholesterol crystals. How to bind to proteins, lipids, lipidurija is typically a sign of heavy proteinuria, which is related to the extensive damage to the kidneys. In the urine of healthy persons of lipid cells are not present.
The appearance of crystals in the urine is dependent on urine pH and is relatively common finding, although in fresh urine is usually not present. How urine can be acidic or alkaline, the crystals may be present only or mainly in acidic or alkaline urine.
Acid crystals in the urine are normal: urate, calcium oxalate, hipurna acids and salts of amorphous urates.
Crystals in alkaline urine are normal: calcium phosphate, tripel phosphate, calcium carbonate, amorphous urate salts and ammonium biurat.
Pathological acid crystals in the urine are: cystine, leucine, tyrosine, cholesterol.
Other crystals: bilirubin, hemosiderin, sodium urate, kalcijef sulfate crystals and drugs.
Urates were clinically significant only if they are in fresh urine. Abundant presence of crystals is an indication for gout intoxication or drugs, for example. citostatičnim drugs, and can be found in diseases characterized by increased degradation of the cell nucleus, eg. leukosis.
Calcium oxalate are present in people who have a tendency to create urinary stones, or have any clinical relevance. They can be found in people who consume foods rich in oxalate, such as tomatoes, spinach or lettuce, for patients with diabetes and jaundice, and in ethylene glycol poisoning. The presence of crystals can cause mild hematuria.
Hipurna acid is found after administration of aspirin, such as fever and patients with liver disease.
Phosphates occur as calcium phosphate or phosphate tripel (magnesium-ammonium phosphate) in alkaline urine or urine in which the downtime occurred due to bacteria.
Bilirubin is a rarely occurs in people with liver disease or in different obstruction of bile ducts.
Hemosiderin can be found in patients with intravascular hemolysis.
Crystals are different drugs and crystals appeared after long-term use of some medications.
Cystine can be induced to aggregate the creation of urinary (kidney) stones.
Tyrosine is found in liver damage (hepatitis, cirrhosis) or intoxications organic solvents as well as in leukemia.
Leucine is usually found together with crystals of tyrosine in liver damage (hepatitis, cirrhosis) or intoxications organic solvents as well as in leukemia.
Cholesterol is a rare and always abnormal findings (extensive kidney damage - nefritički syndrome, urogenital tract infections, with hilurije which happens when torokalnoj or abdominal obstruction of lymphatic drainage.
Other crystals appear in the urine, but without any clinical significance (amorphous phosphates, amorphous urates - gout, fever, concentrated urine, calcium carbonate - after filling up on vegetables, biurat ammonium, calcium sulfate and sodium urate).
Cylinders are the elements that make up the casts of tubules that come from the distal tubule, loop of Henle and collecting ducts. Size and shape vary and depend on the source.
Hyaline casts
Their increased number can be found in fever, reinforced body burden, diuretics, heart disease, chronic kidney disease and acute glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis.
Nehijalini cylinders with plasma proteins
Cylinders made of plasma proteins are divided into cylinders granulated (fine and coarse granular).The presence of coarse granular cylinders sign of the extensive glomerulonephritis, rarely appearing with pyelonephritis. In a healthy person can only occur after a very heavy physical exertion. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Wax cylinders were built primarily of plasma proteins, and their presence in urine is always associated with serious renal disease such as glomerulonephritis, malignant hypertension, nephrotic syndrome, and the rejection of transplanted extensive chronic kidney disease. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Hemoproteinski cylinders include hemoglobin (refer to parenchymal hemorrhage) and mioglobinske cylinders that can be found in patients with kidney disease caused by the "crush" syndrome. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Nehijalini cylinders with cells
Nehijalini cylinders stations have built the inclusion of which is then divided into:
Erythrocyte cylinders denote mukoproteinske cylinders that are incorporated in the ERC. Their presence in urine is always an indicator of renal parenchymal hemorrhage or acute lesions of glomerular basement membrane (glomerulonephritis). They can be found in collagen, heart failure, malignant hypertension. In rare cases, may be present in acute pyelonephritis and in ischemic renal disease. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Renal tubular epithelial cylinders are made of mukoproteinskoga matrix and cell-renal tubular epithelium. Such cylinders are present in the urine in cases where they can be found free kidney cells - tubular epithelial cells, which may be in acute glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, chronic kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy in the occasion of toxic damage to the kidneys, as well as in the initial phase of rejection transplanted. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Fatty cylinders on the surface of fat droplets have, and their findings may be expected in the more extensive kidney damage, especially in nephrotic syndrome in subacute and chronic inflammatory kidney diseases, diabetes and nephrotic syndrome with massive proteinuria. In the urine of healthy people are not present. Composite cylinders, whose matrix is made up of more than one protein, which may contain cells or other inclusions, indicate defects in several segments of the nephron.Erythrocytes in the cylinder warning of glomerular damage, whereas leukocytes suggestive of pyelonephritis or interstitial disease. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Nehijalini cylinders with bilirubin
Nehijalini cylinders occur when bilirubin is excreted in urine conjugated bilirubin hyaline to yellowish-brown colored matrix. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Other nehijalini cylinders
Bacterial and fungal cylinders are finding rare and occur in immunocompromised patients with bacterial and fungal infection of the kidney. Bacterial cylinders can be found in pyelonephritis. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Pseudocilindri are creations of cylindrical shape that occur outside the kidney, and appear in the urine and are morphologically similar to the right cylinders. It is also called cilindroidima, and their presence does clinical significance. These include phosphate, or urate cilindroidi cilindroidi urate crystals. May be present in the urine of healthy people.
Cause infections and infestations
Bacteria in the urine of healthy people are not present, but a small number can be found due to contamination caused by improper collection of urine or prolonged standing at room temperature.Exact identification can be made on the basis of microbiological tests.
Fungi are round or oval homogeneous structure without inclusions. They can occur in the form of hyphae. They are usually present in diabetics, women who use contraceptives in patients with long-term antibiotic or immunosuppressive therapy.
Parasites in the urine usually result from genital or fecal contamination. Trichomonas vaginalis is the most common finding. It can cause vaginitis in women and urethritis in men. If he is alive, it is easy to recognize by the irregular movement, as well as Flutter whip and undulating membrane. If he is dead, it is difficult to differ from small round or leukocytes, epithelial cells.
Artifacts / Pollution
Artifacts / pollution, all the elements that come into the urine by external means, such as hairs, fibers, cotton, grains, powders, granules of glass dust and the like.
Urine in healthy people is a clear liquid that can roil standing Zgog flocs secretion or due to the presence of different salts, while in various comorbid conditions may cause the presence of microorganisms, leukocytes, erythrocytes and crystals of various drugs.
Light yellow - light straw and stems of urinary pigments such as urohrom (from hemoglobin), uroetrin (of melanin), urorosein (from indoloctne acid), urobilin (from urobilinogen), and standing in a dark air-oxidation of colorless chromogen into a colored product .
Aromatic. The smell of food influences, and some medications. Standing of urine is urea decomposes into ammonia, which results in the smell of ammonia. The unpleasant odor is a urinary tract infection due to the presence of bacteriuria and leukocyturia (pus). The conditions that result ketonurijom (diabetes - diabetes mellitus, starvation, malabsorption) can be stale smell of the fruit.
Osmolality and urine specific gravity indicators of renal concentration capacity and decrease in osmolality is the first sign of renal failure, even before the rise in blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine.
4.5-8 (approximately, 6):
Kidneys are the lungs, the organs in the regulation of acid-base balance as regulating the secretion of acid that is produced by normal metabolic processes. High pH of urine is an indication of urinary tract infection, but it may indicate that the urine is not fresh. An important role of pH of urine to create a urinary stones because ionic composition and solubility of substances that affect stone formation and the crystallization depend on the pH of urine.
Specific gravity
Specific gravity and osmolality of urine are indicators of renal concentration capacity.
Protein-protein: negative
The protein in the urine are a mixture of high-and low-molecular protein produced by filtration plasma proteins from kidney and those of uro-tract, which results in different proteinuria. Most proteins secreted in the urine of healthy individuals is postglomerulanog origin and detection of specific proteins, such as albumin sensitive test for the detection of renal disease.
Ketones: Negative
Ketone bodies (acetone, acetocetna acid and beta-hidroksimalačna acid) are the products of degradation of fatty acid normally present in the blood and urine in very small concentrations.Increased concentrations indicate the development of diabetic complications, and they are found in the urine of diabetic ketoacidosis, pediatric patients and pregnant women.
Glucose: negative
Glucose is reabsorbed in the tubules of the primary urine, and since they can not all tubule reabsorbed glucose, a certain amount of glucose in the urine passes, a 0.08 mmol / L glucose. The appearance of glucose in the urine, glycosuria, occurs when blood glucose exceeds the ability of reabsorption in the renal tubules and appears in people with high blood sugar caused by different states.
Sediment / microscopic examination:
Hematopoetičke station
Hematopoetičke cells are erythrocytes (ERC), leukocytes (Lkc), eosinophilic granulocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages.
The urine of healthy persons may contain several ERC, but never more than 3 per field Erc large increase. Erc presence in urine, hematuria, serious diagnostic findings and is always an indication of a urinary tract infection due to bleeding or kidney disease. If blood is macroscopically visible, called makrohematurijom, while the word microhematuria only when the blood can be determined by the microscopic examination. The causes are multiple and hematuria can be divided into renal parenchymal disease hematuria, renal vascular disease, urinary tract disease and ekskrecijske systemic coagulation disorder. Renal hematuria usually cause glomerulonephritis, tubulointerstitial damage and vasculitis that damage the blood stream nephron.
Makrohematurija the most urological problem should first check whether the patient has called.painless haematuria that appears in kidney cancer, coagulopathy, acute glomerulonephritis, check if there are any problems at dizurični urinary tract infections, bladder cancer, renal tuberculosis, hemorrhagic cystitis, check whether the present pain that occurs in polycystic kidney disease, renal cell carcinoma, or present to the extent as in nephrolithiasis, papillary necrosis. Finally, it should check whether the patient is taking anticoagulants or platelet aggregation inhibitors.
Mikrohematuriju pathology characterized by the number of urinary sediment (> 3 Erc in sight) and the appearance of red blood cells. Morphological changes of perfectly round "isomorphic" to the ERC significantly changed cell "dismorfičnih" ERC to locate origin of bleeding. "Isomorphic" Erc usually come from the lower part of the urinary tract, while "dismorfični" Erc indicate kidney disease. The presence of> 80% »dismorfičnih" ERC indicates glomerular hematuria. Acanthocytes, sub dismorfičnih erythrocytes, but it seems that the amount of> 5% of the total number of ERC, indicate glomerular bleeding origin.
The finding of hemoglobin in the urine occurs in hemolytic anemia after transfusion of incompatible blood, and the more intense states of decay ERC and the resulting increase in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Give more blood red color urine (oxyhemoglobin). In acidic urine hemoglobin passes into methemoglobin, which gives the urine brown. In addition to hemoglobin in the urine could be extracted and myoglobin.
Leukocytes in the urine of healthy persons normally found, but their number increased leading indicator for urinary tract infection, as well as non-infectious kidney disease.
Leukocyturia associated with bacteriuria due to inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) or kidney (pyelonephritis).
Leukocyturia may be: renal origin, and it is then related to the infection of the upper parts of the urinary tract (acute and chronic), acute glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, reflux disease, polycystic kidney disease, nephrolithiasis, renal tuberculosis, urinary tract obstruction. originating from the lower part of the urinary tract in cystitis,
Stones in the bladder papillomas, bladder cancer, bladder diverticulosis.
originating in the prostate and urethra urethritis at different etiology (sexually transmitted infections, herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea) and prostatitis, chronic and acute, inflammation of the gland (Cowper, Littre, the seminal bags).
illness adjacent organs at appendicitis, adnexitis, piosalpingitisa,
cancer of the uterus, rectum, cecum sigmoid part of the colon.
Eosinophils are present in the urinary sediment of urine infection and then make up <5% of total Lkc.A higher percentage of eosinophils can be found in ateroembolijskih kidney disease, as well as in secondary acute interstitial nephritis due to drug allergy. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Lymphocytes are a rare finding in the urinary sediment. The appearance of lymphocytes is associated with chronic inflammation, viral diseases, as well as in cases of rejection of transplanted kidney. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Macrophages (mononuclear phagocytes), are cells that are found in the urine in the inflammatory process. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Epithelial cells
Epithelial cells include: squamous epithelium, transitional epithelium, renal tubular epithelial cells and lipid.
Squamous epithelium
Squamous epithelium is the largest cells in the urinary sediment and dates from the end segments of the urinary tract (urethra) and the vagina, which is often present in small numbers in the urinary sediment. These are polygonal cells, and come individually, although often occur in clusters.Sometimes you can see the colonization of bacteria in the cytoplasm of the cell, which is thought to be an important step in the development of urinary tract infection.
If there is already a lot of sediment squamous epithelium cells, and the absence of Lkc, it shows that the cells come from the lower part of the urethra, and generally means pollution as improper collection or badly managed toilets vulva. Such a finding of no diagnostic value, and if there is a high number Lkc, must be excluded vaginal contamination to confirm urinary tract infections.
In very rare cases of malignant processes in the lower parts of the urinary tract can be found squamous epithelium cells in the urinary sediment, but then show the changes in the structure and shape of the nucleus. In the event of such findings require further cytological processing.
The transitional epithelium
The transitional epithelium or "urotel" is visokospecifični multilayer epithelium that lines the cistern pitchers renal, bladder in women and proximal urethra in men. Finding TCC cell is most common in the lower parts of the urinary tract infection or a urological disorders deeper layers, malicious processes, various infections, urinary stones or kidney hydronephrosis.
Renal tubular epithelium
Kidney tubular epithelium is a single layer epithelium lining the nephron, including the cells that line the glomeruli, proximal and distal tubules and collecting ducts, which occur in a large number of different forms. The appearance of these cells in the urine is associated with acute tubular necrosis and rejection of the transplanted kidney, with fever, various toxic damage (drugs, particularly aspirin, heavy metals), various inflammations, infections and tumors. Tubular cells are usually associated with findings suggestive of renal parenchymal disease. Sometimes, but very rarely, can be found in the urine of healthy individuals as a result of epithelial regeneration.
Lipid station
Lipid fatty degeneration cells signify-renal tubular epithelial cells in the urine usually appear as free lipid droplets of fat or saturated tubular epithelium cells, so-called. oval fatty corpuscles. They can also be embedded in fatty cylinders, as well as cholesterol crystals. How to bind to proteins, lipids, lipidurija is typically a sign of heavy proteinuria, which is related to the extensive damage to the kidneys. In the urine of healthy persons of lipid cells are not present.
The appearance of crystals in the urine is dependent on urine pH and is relatively common finding, although in fresh urine is usually not present. How urine can be acidic or alkaline, the crystals may be present only or mainly in acidic or alkaline urine.
Acid crystals in the urine are normal: urate, calcium oxalate, hipurna acids and salts of amorphous urates.
Crystals in alkaline urine are normal: calcium phosphate, tripel phosphate, calcium carbonate, amorphous urate salts and ammonium biurat.
Pathological acid crystals in the urine are: cystine, leucine, tyrosine, cholesterol.
Other crystals: bilirubin, hemosiderin, sodium urate, kalcijef sulfate crystals and drugs.
Urates were clinically significant only if they are in fresh urine. Abundant presence of crystals is an indication for gout intoxication or drugs, for example. citostatičnim drugs, and can be found in diseases characterized by increased degradation of the cell nucleus, eg. leukosis.
Calcium oxalate are present in people who have a tendency to create urinary stones, or have any clinical relevance. They can be found in people who consume foods rich in oxalate, such as tomatoes, spinach or lettuce, for patients with diabetes and jaundice, and in ethylene glycol poisoning. The presence of crystals can cause mild hematuria.
Hipurna acid is found after administration of aspirin, such as fever and patients with liver disease.
Phosphates occur as calcium phosphate or phosphate tripel (magnesium-ammonium phosphate) in alkaline urine or urine in which the downtime occurred due to bacteria.
Bilirubin is a rarely occurs in people with liver disease or in different obstruction of bile ducts.
Hemosiderin can be found in patients with intravascular hemolysis.
Crystals are different drugs and crystals appeared after long-term use of some medications.
Cystine can be induced to aggregate the creation of urinary (kidney) stones.
Tyrosine is found in liver damage (hepatitis, cirrhosis) or intoxications organic solvents as well as in leukemia.
Leucine is usually found together with crystals of tyrosine in liver damage (hepatitis, cirrhosis) or intoxications organic solvents as well as in leukemia.
Cholesterol is a rare and always abnormal findings (extensive kidney damage - nefritički syndrome, urogenital tract infections, with hilurije which happens when torokalnoj or abdominal obstruction of lymphatic drainage.
Other crystals appear in the urine, but without any clinical significance (amorphous phosphates, amorphous urates - gout, fever, concentrated urine, calcium carbonate - after filling up on vegetables, biurat ammonium, calcium sulfate and sodium urate).
Cylinders are the elements that make up the casts of tubules that come from the distal tubule, loop of Henle and collecting ducts. Size and shape vary and depend on the source.
Hyaline casts
Their increased number can be found in fever, reinforced body burden, diuretics, heart disease, chronic kidney disease and acute glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis.
Nehijalini cylinders with plasma proteins
Cylinders made of plasma proteins are divided into cylinders granulated (fine and coarse granular).The presence of coarse granular cylinders sign of the extensive glomerulonephritis, rarely appearing with pyelonephritis. In a healthy person can only occur after a very heavy physical exertion. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Wax cylinders were built primarily of plasma proteins, and their presence in urine is always associated with serious renal disease such as glomerulonephritis, malignant hypertension, nephrotic syndrome, and the rejection of transplanted extensive chronic kidney disease. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Hemoproteinski cylinders include hemoglobin (refer to parenchymal hemorrhage) and mioglobinske cylinders that can be found in patients with kidney disease caused by the "crush" syndrome. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Nehijalini cylinders with cells
Nehijalini cylinders stations have built the inclusion of which is then divided into:
Erythrocyte cylinders denote mukoproteinske cylinders that are incorporated in the ERC. Their presence in urine is always an indicator of renal parenchymal hemorrhage or acute lesions of glomerular basement membrane (glomerulonephritis). They can be found in collagen, heart failure, malignant hypertension. In rare cases, may be present in acute pyelonephritis and in ischemic renal disease. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Renal tubular epithelial cylinders are made of mukoproteinskoga matrix and cell-renal tubular epithelium. Such cylinders are present in the urine in cases where they can be found free kidney cells - tubular epithelial cells, which may be in acute glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, chronic kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy in the occasion of toxic damage to the kidneys, as well as in the initial phase of rejection transplanted. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Fatty cylinders on the surface of fat droplets have, and their findings may be expected in the more extensive kidney damage, especially in nephrotic syndrome in subacute and chronic inflammatory kidney diseases, diabetes and nephrotic syndrome with massive proteinuria. In the urine of healthy people are not present. Composite cylinders, whose matrix is made up of more than one protein, which may contain cells or other inclusions, indicate defects in several segments of the nephron.Erythrocytes in the cylinder warning of glomerular damage, whereas leukocytes suggestive of pyelonephritis or interstitial disease. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Nehijalini cylinders with bilirubin
Nehijalini cylinders occur when bilirubin is excreted in urine conjugated bilirubin hyaline to yellowish-brown colored matrix. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Other nehijalini cylinders
Bacterial and fungal cylinders are finding rare and occur in immunocompromised patients with bacterial and fungal infection of the kidney. Bacterial cylinders can be found in pyelonephritis. In the urine of healthy people are not present.
Pseudocilindri are creations of cylindrical shape that occur outside the kidney, and appear in the urine and are morphologically similar to the right cylinders. It is also called cilindroidima, and their presence does clinical significance. These include phosphate, or urate cilindroidi cilindroidi urate crystals. May be present in the urine of healthy people.
Cause infections and infestations
Bacteria in the urine of healthy people are not present, but a small number can be found due to contamination caused by improper collection of urine or prolonged standing at room temperature.Exact identification can be made on the basis of microbiological tests.
Fungi are round or oval homogeneous structure without inclusions. They can occur in the form of hyphae. They are usually present in diabetics, women who use contraceptives in patients with long-term antibiotic or immunosuppressive therapy.
Parasites in the urine usually result from genital or fecal contamination. Trichomonas vaginalis is the most common finding. It can cause vaginitis in women and urethritis in men. If he is alive, it is easy to recognize by the irregular movement, as well as Flutter whip and undulating membrane. If he is dead, it is difficult to differ from small round or leukocytes, epithelial cells.
Artifacts / Pollution
Artifacts / pollution, all the elements that come into the urine by external means, such as hairs, fibers, cotton, grains, powders, granules of glass dust and the like.
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