Saturday, April 13, 2013

Problems with urination

Changes in the urine, such as color, smell and consistency, can be indicators of your body.

The urine can reveal what you ate, how much fluid you have entered into the body, but that the disease might have.
For decades urinalysis is one of the ways that doctors use in diagnosis. From a historical point of view, the urine is one of the major indicators of what is happening in the body, due to the fact that many substances that circulate in the organism, including bacteria, yeasts (single-celled fungi that belong to the group of microorganisms), excess protein and sugar, finally ending up in urine.

Urine is primarily the task of eliminating toxins and other harmful substances, remove excess water and waste filtering kidneys.

If the urine has changed color or odor, it might be innocuous, such as dinner that included beets, asparagus or anything, but it can also be a sign of a more serious condition, such as an infection or tumor.
Changes in urine that you should watch out for, which could be an indicator of your health are:

Change the color of urine
Physiological urine gets yellow color from the pigment called urobilin. The color usually varies from pale yellow to amber, depending on the concentration in the urine urobilina.
Darker urine is usually a sign that you are not consuming enough fluids, and clear urine mean the opposite - you've probably consumed a large amount of fluid or diuretics, which force the body to release the excess water.
Urine can also be other colors and unusual shades are not necessarily cause for alarm. Specifically, certain medications can turn the urine fluorescent green or blue. In addition, urine color may be orange, as a result of taking laxatives or consumption of orange, yellow, which may occur due to excess vitamin B, and hereditary disease called Porphyria can give urine color of the wine.
Red urine is usually a sign of the presence of blood in the urine, but a very small amount can produce a dramatic color change, therefore you should not panic immediately. However, even a small amount of blood in the urine can be an indication of serious health problems, such as infection or tumor, so in that case you should definitely see a doctor or urologist.
If the urine is a small amount of blood, and he is also the dim, there is a good chance that you have a urinary tract infection.

Change the smell of urine

Urine normally has no strong smell, and if you notice a change in the smell of urine, it is possible to have an infection or urinary stones, which make urine smell ammonia can take.
If the urine has a sweet smell, it could be a sign that you have diabetes. In the past, the sweet taste and smell of urine were the only way to diagnose the disease. Some foods can also change urine odor, especially asparagus.

Frequency of urination

The frequency of urination may also be an indicator of your health. Most people have a need to urinate six to eight times a day, but more or less, depending on how much fluid you drink.
If you feel the frequent need to urinate, and not because they consume a large quantity of fluid, causes can be:
Overactive bladder - involuntary muscle contractions in the bladder
Urinary Tract Infection
Interstitial cystitis - a condition that causes soreness and irritation of the bladder
Benign prostate enlargement - prostate growth causes compression of the urethra and block the normal flow of urine
Neurological disorders, including stroke and Parkinson's disease
The opposite problem, rarely a need to urinate, may occur when there is a blockage or infection, which may be the result of bad habits delay urination, which can become a chronic problem.
Regular urination helps consuming enough fluids. Drink fluids when you are thirsty and in the amount that's right for you, except in the case of problems with kidney or urinary stones, you'll have to increase her intake.
If you urinate frequently during the night, fluid stop drinking three to four hours before bedtime. Also, limit your intake of caffeine, which can irritate the lining of the bladder, and may have a similar effect, and alcohol.
Finally, do not put off urination! If you feel the need to go back to the bathroom, so it does not turn into a chronic problem. 

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