Saturday, April 13, 2013


Pathological urine is more than 10 white blood cells in 1 ml of urine and more than 10 white blood cells in the sixth 12-hour urine. 

Urine sample for analysis taken after the patient for at least three hours is not urinating, mostly by pure MSU, less frequent urinary catheter or suprapubic puncture.

At UTI point leukocyturia, bacteriuria and cilindriurija. Occasionally encountered hematuria, often as a sign of terminal hemorrhagic cystitis and proteinuria up to 2g in 24-hour urine. Pathological finding is considered to be more than five leukocytes in each field of view of the urinary sediment obtained by centrifugation at 2000 rpm for five minutes and looking under high magnification.

As this value depends on the amount of urine centrifugiranog and quantity of supernatant, a more accurate method of determining leukocyturia considered counting of leukocytes in the Fuchs-Rosenthalovoj chamber, and pathologic findings of more than 10 white blood cells in 1 ml of urine and more than 1 out of WBC sixth in the 12-hour urine (Addisov number). Skrinining tests for bacteriuria and Piura
A positive leukocyte esterase finding of 8 to 10 white blood cells in each field of view.

There are rapid screening test for pyuria and bacteriuria "dipstick" method. The sensitivity of leukocyte esterase test is 75-95%, with a specificity of 94-98%. A positive test corresponds to the findings of 8 to 10 white blood cells in each field of view of the urinary sediment obtained by centrifugation at 2000 rpm for 5 minutes and looking under high magnification.

Casts in the urine

Finding leukocytic and coarse granular cylinders consisting of inflammatory cells, the damaged epithelium and the precipitated protein is considered a sign of pyelonephritis.

Determination of bacteriuria

In 95% of the samples isolated to only one type of bacteria.

For the determination of bacteriuria is of particular importance sampling urine properly. It can be proved by various commercial chemical or enzymatic methods, unspun urine microscopy drops of Gram staining, microscopic examination of urine sediment centrifugiranog or various bacteriological methods, one of which is the best method of cultivation is properly taken sample of urine, enumeration of bacteria in 1 ml of urine and testing their sensitivity to various antimicrobial agents. In 95% of the samples isolated to only one type of bacteria, and in 5% of isolating two or more types of bacteria.

Approximate test for bacteria is nitrate test. Performs "dipstick" method. Its sensitivity is 35-85% and specificity of 32-100%. False-negative test will give the bacteria that do not reduce nitrate (staphylococci, enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa).

A positive leukocyte esterase and clinical symptoms of sufficient criterion for the diagnosis of acute uncomplicated cystitis. In these patients prior to the initiation of antimicrobial therapy and during the period of control, urine culture is not strictly indicated.

Differential diagnosis of urine analysis

In patients with clinical symptoms of the disease urinary and / or genital tract is leukocyturia and the absence of significant bacteriuria, to look for other possible causes, which are primarily Chlamydia trachomatis and urogenital mycoplasmas.

When do urine culture?

Urine culture should be done in pregnant women, diabetics, recurrent infections and pyelonephritis before treatment.

Urine culture should be performed prior to initiation of antimicrobial therapy of UTI in pregnant women, diabetics, recurrent UTI, if there is no success before the treatment with pyelonephritis.

A diagnosis of chronic bacterial prostatitis must be confirmed by examining leukocytes and bacteria in the samples of the first and midstream urine, expressed prostatic and urine samples taken after prostate massage and taking exprimate (Meares and Stamey method).
Patients with frequent relapses and reinfections and they suspected the existence of possible complicating factors, are subject to various urological, radiological and radioisotopic examinations (cystoscopy, urography ekskrecijska, mikcijska cystography, sonography, computed tomography, determination of residual urine, dynamic renal scintigraphy, etc. .). 

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