Sunday, March 11, 2012

Treatment of Kidney Cancer

Treatment of kidney cancer depends on the degree of disease and general condition of patients.

Surgical treatment of

Surgical treatment is the most frequently used treatments for kidney cancer, especially in the early stages of the disease when this method provides a fair chance of recovery.

Surgery may be removed only part of the kidney, the entire kidney or radical nephrectomy - the whole kidney, adrenal gland, surrounding fatty tissue and nearby lymph nodes. The patient can live with only one functional kidney, or even only part of one kidney. If, however, there is a need for the removal of both kidneys, or removal of one kidney that was functional, the patient is left except kidney transplant and regular blood dialysis.

Arterial embolization - a procedure that is performed when it is not possible to remove a kidney or part of it, and it is necessary to reduce the size of the tumor. Such intervention is usually required when a patient has problems that arise as a result of tumor size. The surgery is performed so that the artery that brings blood to the affected kidney injected special spongy substance that eventually close a blood vessel and thus prevent the flow of blood to the affected kidney, which also leads to suspension of supply of oxygen and other substances that are necessary for tumor cells growth.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy uses energy X-ray or other radiation to kill cancer cells or to reduce tumor size.This therapy can be achieved in two ways: from the outside - so that the source of radiation outside the body, a beam of high - energy beam is directed specifically to a small area to be treated or internal - so that the radiation source placed inside the body near the tumor or I even tumor.

Manner that will be used for particular patient depends on the stage in which the disease as well as the type of tumor in question. After repeated applications of radiation are the following side effects: fatigue, nausea and loss of appetite, loss of hair on the body part that is exposed to radiation, skin reactions at the site of radiation.


Because chemotherapy has not shown particular success in treating patients with kidney cancer, it is often not applied in their treatment.


Immunotherapy or biological therapy uses a patient's immune system (natural defense system) to fight cancer (interferon-alpha, interleukin-2). This therapy is also used to reduce the undesirable effects of other cancer therapies.

Therapy with interferon-alpha in clinical trials proved effective, but with a lot of side effects in some patients, this therapy led to complete regression of the disease and this condition is maintained for a long time. Data from clinical studies confirm that the use of interferon-alpha leads to an increase in one-year survival.

Interleukin-2 therapy also proved effective, and in some cases led to permanent and total remission (recovery from illness, healing). With the application of this therapy is also a frequent occurrence of side effects.

Antiangiogenesis therapy

Therapy aimed at reducing the number of existing tumor vessels as well as preventing the formation of new blood vessels in tumors called antiangiogenesis therapy. This effect can be achieved by acting on tumor cells at several levels. Depending on what level and kind of work for the molecules and how they work, drugs whose ultimate goal is to share the antiangiogeneza monoclonal antibody (bevacizumab), tyrosine kinase inhibitors (sorafenib, sunitinib) or more kinases simultaneously.

Antiangiogenesis combination therapy and immunotherapy, is in clinical trials proved very effective.

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