Many patients with kidney stones, and that it does not know. They begin to feel the same when it slipped from the kidneys into the urethra, so there ukliješte. The pain can be terrible. The most effective first aid is a hot bath. A bath should last at least half an hour. If you have any blood instead of urine, then the stone (or stone) ukliještio injured and the urethra.
Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine. It can be very weak, so it is not reflected by any change in color of urine. When it appears with renal colic (pain), probably a calculus.
Kidney stones occur mainly in one kidney. They differ in their composition and size. The main part of the stones of mineral salts. According to frequency appear calcium salts (oxalates and urates), phosphate and calcium carbonate (limestone), xanthine, and cystine. In the emerging role of the stones have hindered substantial excretion of urine, bacteria, osteoporosis, incorrect diet, long boležljivost, and their share and have a hereditary tendency. Symptoms depend on the shape of stones, a place where there are and their effect on the surroundings. While I am not stuck stones, mostly only appears dull pain and pressure in the hips, taut stomach, nausea and sometimes vomiting. As soon as the inflammation, symptoms increase. therefore x-ray examination can not always identify stones in the urinary organs, because the rays do not distinguish them from other tissues.
If the stone is stuck in the urinary tract occurs right renal colic. It usually begins suddenly with severe pain that radiates along the ureter to the urinary tube, genital organs and thighs. They may last a few hours, but days or more and are often associated with other phenomena: failure of peripheral blood flow (vasomotor collapse), drop in blood pressure, vomiting, a delay of urine, stool problems and do not release gases (winds). In what may even become impassable appendix (paralytic ileus), the urine is red blood cells, and sometimes stones.
Most of the required medicines for spasms of pain, which may be prescribed only by a physician. It is necessary to facilitate the passage of stones or prevent pain polukupelji and baths in a sitting position with both water temperature is increased severity of hay or oat straw or distaff; recommended steam bath and the lower body. It is often useful strong motion (riding, rock climbing or jumping rope).
The operation decided by the doctor.
Determine the type of scale is very important for further treatment. On each stone to create a body to receive large amounts of weak herbal teas (teas, especially the kidneys and bladder, Russian tea, mineral water and appropriate others) that the patient must drink the amount of at least 2 liters a day.In putting together the menu should take into account the composition of stones, but should not be exaggerated, but basically put together a menu. It is important that the patient gets punovrijednu natural foods.
In certain types of stones should be treated in different ways:
Tartar of calcium phosphate or calcium carbonate: Avoid or limit foods which have a lot of calcium: milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, celery, asparagus, bananas, fruits, alkaline mineral water.
Preference should be given to foods that contain lots of magnesium, 8 oatmeal, beans, peas, wholemeal bread), and also every morning slowly exams juice of 6 lemons, in this way and achieves sweating.
Tartar of oxalate: rhubarb should be restricted, spinach, cabbage, parsley, onion, radish, gooseberry and currant. Only moderate to take milk, cheese, eggs and fish.
Preference should be given food containing magnesium, since magnesium enhances the dissolution of calcium oxalate.
Tartar of urate: Completely give up (or strongly reduced) foods such as offal / liver, kidneys, lungs, brain, breast gland / fish, smoked meat, meat extracts and meat soup, beans and mushrooms, nuts and more. When it comes to the scale of urate should then alkalizirati urine. For it is a good soda. It take 3 X a day for one pill a day and drink the juice of two lemons. Medication that dissolves gallstones prescribed by a doctor.
For the dissolution of stones is a good tea plantain which is drunk in large quantities. Also, a natural remedy to dissolve the stones preparation of madder (Rubia tinctorum), and zlatnica (Solidago virga aurea).
The patient is first and foremost must be kept cold and fatigue. Need the diet. Table salt is prohibited.
Vitamin A deficiency promotes stone formation, it is therefore necessary to take regular juice or carrot salad. If bleeding occurs, the protein should only cottage cheese. The best food is made of natural rice, vegetables and salads. Uses and physical therapy. Every night should be placed on the lining of the kidney area (humid and hot) chamomile, lasting half an hour. When bleeding take yarrow tea.
In order to extract and melt sand and stones from the kidneys and bladder, we recommend our TEA AGAINST SAND AND LIME IN KIDNEY - to dissolve kidney stones, urinary tract cleansing, and to enable obilnijeg urination.
THEN: the creation of many stones are favorable factors. When it comes to a halt the flow of urine, when the dissolved solids settle to place halt just as the sand from the river and deposited at the sharp bend of the river, where its flow is slowed, or behind a dam. If the already narrow drainage exists in the urethra and pelvic inflammation, pathogens multiply, causing even more inflammation, and in this place are deposited the manure. They then become the core around which the precipitate dissolved waste products, mainly uric acid and urea. At the site of inflammation can also cause small sores around which curdled the blood is collected, thus creating the nucleus of future stones. Those who are afraid of gaining weight or for your heart, and take a little liquid, are potential candidates to get gallstones. Disease of kidney stones in people who tend to work much fluid they lose through sweating.You have (especially in summer) Drink plenty of fluids. People suffer from urinary stones in areas where they feed mainly on plant foods. I nekretanje induces stones. The body of patients who once had a stone that has a tendency to continue to create stones!
As with any scale and there is inflammation - advice: drink as much tea in the urinary tract.
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