Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kidney stones, cystitis and pyelonephritis

The kidneys are the main organ of the urinary tract placed in the back of the abdominal cavity, on either side of the spinal enters through the twelfth rib. The right kidney is usually located 2-3 cm below the left kidney, and looks like a bean. Weight of one kidney is approximately 150 grams. Enveloped in a connective capsule, and fatty tissues.
The kidneys perform a number of very important functions. On the need to pay particular attention since the cessation of kidney function occurs uremia, and then death.

The main functions of the kidney

• maintenance of acid-base balance, ie, the secretion of acid
• cleaning the blood of harmful substances and metabolic waste products. Through the kidneys in the course of one day pass up to 1,500 liters of blood (and blood purification during the day create about 1.5 liters of urine)
• maintenance of a fixed blood volume and concentration of electrolytes and water flow and salt
• regulation of arterial blood pressure
• hormone secretion as kidney function monitored by different hormones, especially the antidiuretic hormone

In the renal reabsorption of some canals done, the body of necessary substances such as glucose, amino acids, electrolytes, and about 99% water. There are several diseases of the kidney.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are one of the most painful disorders that affect people, and also one of the most common disorders of the urinary tract. Men are more frequently affected than women. Most kidney stones leave the body without the intervention of a doctor. Cases in which symptoms are present continuously, or other complications occur, can be treated by various techniques, most of which does not involve surgical intervention. Progress in research has brought us a better understanding of the many factors that promote stone formation. Kidney stones are formed from crystals that precipitate from urine and accumulate on the inner surfaces of the kidney. Urolithiasis is a technical medical term used to describe stones that appear in the urinary tract. Doctors also use terms that describe the accommodation calculus in the urinary tract. For example, a ureteral stone (or ureterolitijaza) is a kidney stone which is in the urinary tract, and kidney stones (nephrolithiasis). To simplify things, the text we use the term "kidney stones".
Usually the first symptom of kidney stone pain is extremely severe. The pain often begins suddenly when the stone starts to move in the urinary tract, causing irritation or blockage. The man felt a sharp, cramping pain in the back and side in the kidney or lower abdomen. Sometimes this pain with nausea and vomiting occurs. Later, pain may spread to the groin. If the scale is too large to pass easily, pain continues as the muscles in tight urinary trying to squeeze the tube down the stones in the urinary bladder. How stone grows or moves, blood may appear in the urine. While the stone down the urethra close to the bladder, a person may feel a frequent need to urinate or a burning feeling when urinating.If these symptoms are accompanied fever or chills, infection may be present. In this case, you should immediately contact a doctor.


Urinary tract infections are common in bacterial infection, after respiratory infections. They can be found in people of both sexes and all age groups. Women of childbearing potential 10 times more likely than men. The largest number of urinary tract infection occurs in otherwise healthy women. Cystitis is the most common bacterial infections of the urinary bladder. Cystitis starts suddenly, and include dysuria (painful urination), frequent urination of small amounts of urine (polakisuriju), urinary urgency (urgent need to urinate) and sometimes pain above the pubic bone.
Cystitis occurs when the normally sterile lower urinary tract (urethra tube or urethra and bladder) become infected with bacteria, which resulted in inflammation. Over 90% of cases of cystitis caused by Escherichia coli. Bacteria that get into the bladder is usually removed during urination. However, if the bacteria remain in the bladder, easily and rapidly multiply resulting in infection. Cystitis is a common disease, 100 people, two of them will get sick. Most common in sexually active women aged 20 to 50 years, but it can occur in sexually inactive or girl. Women are prone to develop cystitis because of their shorter urethra (the bacteria do not have far to travel to the bladder) and the relatively short distance between the openings of the urethra and anus. Cystitis is rare in men with anatomically normal urinary tract. In the elderly the risk of cystitis is large, with an incidence of up to 33 100 people.

Onset is usually abrupt. Cystitis usually causes the following symptoms:

• Frequent urination (polakisurija)
• Baking and feeling pressure when urinating
• painful urination (dysuria)
• urgent need to urinate (urgency)
• the need to urinate at night (nikturija)
• discolored urine (urine blurred)
• Sometimes blood in the urine (haematuria)
• unpleasant or strong odor of urine
• pressure in the pelvic and low back pain


Infection of the upper urinary tract infection that develops in the kidney is called pyelonephritis. Even half of women with cystitis may also have an infection and upper urinary tract (kidney and urethra).What causes a urinary tract infection? In 90% of cases of urinary tract infection is caused by a bacterium Escherichia coli. Staphylococcus saprophyticus is the second most common cause in women (5-10%). Other species are Klebsiella, Proteus mirabilis, Ureaplasma urealyticum and Enterococci. Changes in the quantity or type of acid that is located in the genital and urinary tract are the main factors that contribute to lower resistance to infection. In healthy women in fertile age, the vagina is colonized by lactobacilli, organisms that maintain high environmental acidity (low pH), which is negative for other bacteria. In addition, lactobacilli produce hydrogen peroxide which promotes the elimination of bacteria and reduces the ability of Escherichia coli adherence to vaginal cells. When you reduce the number of lactobacilli, such as after menopause, increases the pH, and thus the risk of infection. The risk increases if the condition reduces the immune response, or in the case of structural deformation of urine retained or returned to the upper urinary tract. However, infection does not come every time when bacteria get into the bladder. During normal urination many bacteria are washed out of it. In addition, the immune system and antibacterial substances in the lining of the bladder eliminate many causes of infection. Pyelonephritis can be further classified according to extent and severity of renal impairment. The causes may be different.

Mention the most common causes:

• Flu
• angina
• pneumonia
• a variety of infections
• different poisoning
• high blood pressure

Phytotherapy against kidney disease

It is important to recognize the time and the resulting pain as soon as possible contact a urologist. After searching and accurate diagnosis, urologists usually with medical help and suggested the use of urological tea. At that moment, if every patient should contact phytotherapist which are determined by examining the necessary phytotherapy. New we have already described several times in the pages of this journal. Phytotherapic approach achieves much better results than it does with a tea or one drops.

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Acute renal failure

Acute renal failure is a rapid decline in renal ability to purify the blood of harmful substances, leading to accumulation of metabolic wastes in the blood such as urea.

The main causes of acute renal failure 
Insufficient supply of blood, kidney
• Not enough blood because of blood loss, dehydration, or physical injury that blocks a blood vessel
• The heart pumps too little (heart failure)
• Extremely low blood pressure (shock)
• Liver failure (hepatorenal syndrome)

Blocked (obstructed) urine flow
• Increased prostate
• Pressure on the urinary tract tumors

Injury within the kidney
• Allergic reactions (eg, radiographic contrast media)
• Toxic substances (toxins)
• Conditions that affect the filtration units (nephrons) renal
• Blocked arteries or veins within the kidney
• Crystals, proteins or other substances in the kidneys
Acute renal failure may result from any condition that reduces the renal blood supply, preventing the flow of urine from the kidneys after a leak, or injury results from the kidneys themselves. Toxic substances can damage the kidneys. Toxic substances such as drugs, toxins, crystals that are deposited in the urine and antibodies that react against the kidney.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms depend on the severity of renal failure, progression rate and the underlying cause.

The condition that leads to kidney injury often causes severe symptoms that are associated with the kidneys, for example. high temperature, shock, heart failure and liver failure may occur before kidney failure and be more severe than any symptoms of kidney failure, for example. Wegener granulomatosis, which damages the blood vessels in the kidneys can also damage blood vessels in the lungs and cause coughing blood. Skin rash is typical of some forms of acute renal failure, including polyarteritis, SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) and some toxic drugs.

Hydronephrosis may cause acute renal failure due to obstruction of urine flow. The return of urine into the kidneys causing stretching of space for the collection of urine (renal pelvis), causing convulsions and pain ranging from mild to very severe, usually on one side. About 10% of people have blood in the urine (hematuria).

Doctors should suspect acute renal failure when you reduce the amount of urine secreted. Blood tests to measure levels of creatinine and nitrogen (nitrogen) compounds in the blood (the blood of waste products that are normally cleaned by the kidneys) assist in the diagnosis. The increasing rise in creatinine indicates acute renal failure.

During physical examination, the doctor evaluates the kidneys by determining whether or increased sensitivity. Narrowing of the main renal artery can create the sound (murmur) that can be heard when a stethoscope is placed on the back above the kidneys.

If it is discovered that the bladder is increased, the doctor may put a catheter in order to determine whether replete urine. The flow of urine is obstructed at the exit of the bladder (the opening of the urethra from the bladder), especially in older people. As a result, the bladder and increase urine returns damaging the kidneys. When the expected obstruction (narrowing or blockage) to perform a rectal and vaginal examination to determine whether the formation of some of these areas causes obstruction.

Laboratory tests can help find the cause and degree of renal failure. First, the urine examination. The urine appears normal if kidney failure is a result of inadequate blood supply, or is caused by the difficulty or completely interrupted urine leakage. If the cause of failure is just inside the kidney, urine may contain blood or lumps (cylinders) of red and white blood cells. The urine may contain large amounts of protein (protein) or some type of protein which are normally not found in the urine.

Blood tests revealed abnormally high levels of urea and creatinine, and metabolic imbalance, for example. abnormal acidity (acidosis), high levels of potassium (Hyperkalemia) and low sodium levels (hyponatremia).

It helps show the kidneys with ultrasound or CT. X-ray of kidney (renal) arteries and veins (angiography) can be done if a blockage of blood vessels a possible reason.

MR can be done if deemed too dangerous use of a contrast Rtg. If these tests do not reveal the cause of kidney failure, you need to do a biopsy.


Acute renal failure and its immediate complications can often be treated successfully. Survival varies between less than 50% of people who both have multiple organ failure, and 90% of cases are caused by decreased blood flow to the kidneys caused by loss of body fluid bleeding, vomiting or diarrhea.

Careful treatment is necessary to heal the kidneys. Water intake is limited, because it should make up only as much fluid is lost from the body. Weight of patients is measured daily to determine fluid intake.The gain in weight from one day to another indicates excessive fluid intake. With glucose or highly concentrated carbohydrates provide some amino acids (building blocks of proteins) by mouth or intravenously to maintain adequate levels of protein. Since antacids (drugs that neutralize excess stomach acid) containing aluminum bound phosphorus in the gut, may be provided to prevent excessive levels of phosphorus in the blood. Sodium polystyrene sulfonate is sometimes given orally (by mouth) or rectally to reduce high levels of potassium in the blood.

Kidney failure can be so serious as to require dialysis in order to prevent serious damage to other organs and control the symptoms. In these cases, dialysis is started as soon as possible ie after diagnosis. Dialysis can be performed only for the renewal of his kidney function, usually several days to several weeks. On the other hand, if kidneys  are really badly damaged, recovery may be required for all dialysis until a kidney transplant.

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Hemodialysis-patient information

As patients, their families and carers need to know?

Hemodialysis (HD) is the most common form of treatment of patients with terminal renal failure. If you start treatment with hemodialysis, it means that you there is still only 10-15% of normal kidney function. It is not enough to cleanse the body of toxins and keep healthy. At that time you have symptoms such as anemia, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and sweating (especially the palms, feet and ankles).
It is important to know that hemodialysis is not a cure for your sick kidneys. By the time you be healthy transplanted kidney, you will need to be treated with some form of dialysis, sometimes for life.Some patients have lived 35 more years on hemodialysis. They can tell you how important it is to stick to strict schedules of dialysis, medications are prescribed and the child to have a long and productive life as a terminal kidney patient.

How is hemodialysis?
Nearly 90% of patients in terminal renal dialysis centers in 3-5 hours of dialysis three times a week. In most centers this is done on schedule Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday, and the time is morning, afternoon or evening. During hemodialysis using a special machine and the filter used for blood purification of patients. This is done by surgically constructed to access the bloodstream, usually on hand, as described earlier.
Dialysis membrane filter is divided into two parts. The first is the blood of patients that leads from the body and cleanses the toxins, and then back into the body. The second is called the dialysate fluids used for ŤispiranjeÅ¥. Sewage purposes of substances from the blood such as urea, potassium, creatinine and excess fluid pass through the dialysis membrane and is removed by the dialysate.

The adequacy of hemodialysis
In the initial implementation of chronic hemodialysis (60's and early 70-ies of the 20th century), nephrologists did not know how dialysis takes to keep patients healthy. Once you have learned how to maintain blood values ​​essential substances, eg. potassium, optimal, put the problem in order to maintain long-term patients and healthy living. Patients suffering from complications such as infection and inflammation.

It was found that many of these complications can be reduced or even removed a longer time interval of the dialysis (8-12 hours), and patients to accept in the hope that makes them relatively healthier. Nephrologists have noticed that their patients will not accept a longer time interval of dialysis and began to explore the value or ŤmarkereÅ¥ that will help them to more accurately determine the amount received adequate dialysis therapy.

"Markers" adequacy of dialysis
Following some of the "markers", doctors have found a more precise way odeđivanja adequacy of dialysis therapy.

- Urea or blood urea nitrogen levels in the blood: Urea is a waste product of protein that we take food to digest and break down and which are normally excreted in urine. Nephrologists found that patients in worse condition that it is the level of urea in the blood higher. Urea is a small molecule that is removed through the dialysis membrane. In dialysis scheme Monday-Wednesday-Friday, the level of urea in the blood is highest on Monday before dialysis, and the lowest on Friday after the last weekly dialysis.
- Kt / V: Two well-known nephrologists have discovered a simple formula for the measurement of dialysis therapy. "K" is the "clearance" of urea in milliliters per minute. TTT has ŤvrijemeÅ¥ in minutes, a "V" the volume of body water in liters. Since the formula used by the individual volume of each patient's body fluids, resorted to the "standardization", because patients who are equally heavy volume can have different body fluids. Experts have recommended the value of Kt / V of 1.2 or more as optimal for adequate diajlize.

- Urea kinetic model: using the value of Kt / V for the definition and measurement of dialysis therapy.This "marker" is used the level of urea in the blood before and after dialysis, analyzes of protein metabolism and protein shows that the patient currently has in their diet. At first the doctors thought it was better if the patient takes less protein in their diet. Further experiments showed that it is better that the patient consume more, not less protein. Anyway, today is the attitude of medicine such that the part of patients with residual renal function advises restricted protein intake to maintain the healthy function. It is very important that you consult with your nephrologist about the amount of protein in the diet that is most appropriate for you.

- The ratio of urea elimination: elimination of urea, the end result of dialysis, is a measure used to determine the efficiency of elimination Waste products of metabolism from the body. This "marker" is expressed as a percentage. Significant world health authorities recommend 65% or more and is usually measured once a month. The ratio of urea elimination of 65% is equivalent to the value of Kt / V of 1.2.The ratio of urea elimination of 65% and the value of Kt / V of 1.2 as the optimum value of dialysis adequacy. Numerous studies have shown that patients with a permanently lower Kt / V or lower ratio of urea elimination have more health problems and increased risk of death.

Home hemodialysis
Several years ago, more and more patients and nephrologists has documented the benefits of implementation of dialysis at home, because if there are opportunities. Several hundred scientific papers published on the subject in the last three decades. Patients can learn to perform hemodialysis three times a week at your own home. Some patients practice daily or nocturnal hemodialysis (6-7 times per week). The data suggest that patients who are dialysis longer time interval several times a week at home, live longer than those who do it three times a week at dialysis centers.

Hemodialysis - dialyzer

Hemodialysis is done so that blood flows out of a special tube and purified, and then distilled back into the body of another tube.

In the process of dialysis are important parts:

device for hemodialysis
Solution for hemodialysis
equipment (needles, tubes)
The most important part of the dialyzer or artificial kidney, which contains a semi-permeable membrane to form capillaries. Through this membrane pass only molecules of certain sizes and water.
Dialyzer is attached to a dialysis machine and changing with each dialysis.

The dialysis solution or dialysate is an electrolyte solution similar to plasma without proteins. The solution maintains the electrolyte balance and participates in the process of purifying the blood.

The device is a dialysis machine that contains the prepared dialysate pump, and pump blood and to maintain a constant temperature of blood and dialysate to their steady flow.
Most patients have dialyis to 3 times a week and the process takes approximately 4 hours.

Vascular access

Patients undergoing hemodialysis should have access to the path of blood in the form of hemodialysis arteriovenous fistula, graft or catheter. When creating a small fistula surgeon procedure under the skin, usually on the wrist connects the artery and vein. If blood vessels are too weak to make a fistula is formed graft (graft blood vessels), and catheters are typically used temporarily, but may be permanent.

When you establish an adequate approach to the patient with two outputs are connected to the device for hemodialysis. Questions are two pins, soft tubes connected part that comes from the arteries leading into the camera, and the part that comes out of the device leads to a vein.


First century. pr. BC: In China records first mentioned organ transplantation under general anesthesia.

13th st: Giugliermo Saliceto in Durities in Renibus: "The pressure in the kidneys ... or can not be treated successfully, or can not be cured."

17th century. William Shakespeare: Henry IV.
Falstaff: "What does the doctor about my water?"
Page: "He says, sir, that water is in itself a good, healthy water, but its owner would have to have a disease which is not conscious."

1861st Thomas Graham introduced the concept of the physical chemistry of making use of selectively permeable dialysis membrane to separate big molecular substances and low molecular substances from solution.

1922nd It was discovered in heparin, but it began as a systemic anticoagulant prescribed only twenty years later. Until then prescribed hirudin, an anticoagulant, which is very uncertain is received from the heads of leeches.


1924th Haas George spent the first successful hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal failure.Dialysis lasted 15 minutes and went without complications.

1944th Willem Kolff in the Netherlands, then under Nazi occupation, constructed the first device for hemodialysis. As a dialysis membrane was used cellophane. Kolff was after the war emigrated to the United States has developed several other hemodialysis machines that were used in the Korean War.

1946th Nils Alwall produced the first hemodialysis machine with controlled ultrafiltration.

1960th Belding Scribner made the first permanent vascular access, thus creating the foundation for the development of chronic hemodialysis. Fistula is composed of two tubes embedded in the blood vessels, which were then merged together with a piece of Teflon placed on a steel plate. A few years later created a simpler version of such a vascular access, so called. "Shunt poor." It consisted of two tubes embedded in the artery and vein and connected teflon loop.

1962nd In Seattle, he began to work the first center for chronic hemodialysis. The first patients were Clyde Shields (died in 1971. In) and Harvey Gentry (died in 1987. In).

1966th Cimino and Brescia were first described subcutaneous arterio-venous fistula, obtained by connecting the radial artery and vein. Such a form of cardiovascular approach used today in patients on chronic hemodialysis.
R. The Hickman and B. H Scribner become effective hemodialysis in children.


1966th In the U.S. and Germany conducted the first tests of new membranes for dialysis, propusnijih for midsize molecules.

1977th Kramer is, when setting up a system for haemofiltration, mistakenly punktirao femoral artery instead of vein. Artery blood pressure was sufficient to maintain the extracorporeal blood flow. In this way the first time carried out continuous arterio-venous hemofiltration (CAVH).

1982nd Bischoff puncturing the femoral vein and the addition of blood pumps in vitro bloodstream achieve greater and greater blood flow ultrafiltration. This resulted in continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH).

Treatment of Kidney Cancer

Treatment of kidney cancer depends on the degree of disease and general condition of patients.

Surgical treatment of

Surgical treatment is the most frequently used treatments for kidney cancer, especially in the early stages of the disease when this method provides a fair chance of recovery.

Surgery may be removed only part of the kidney, the entire kidney or radical nephrectomy - the whole kidney, adrenal gland, surrounding fatty tissue and nearby lymph nodes. The patient can live with only one functional kidney, or even only part of one kidney. If, however, there is a need for the removal of both kidneys, or removal of one kidney that was functional, the patient is left except kidney transplant and regular blood dialysis.

Arterial embolization - a procedure that is performed when it is not possible to remove a kidney or part of it, and it is necessary to reduce the size of the tumor. Such intervention is usually required when a patient has problems that arise as a result of tumor size. The surgery is performed so that the artery that brings blood to the affected kidney injected special spongy substance that eventually close a blood vessel and thus prevent the flow of blood to the affected kidney, which also leads to suspension of supply of oxygen and other substances that are necessary for tumor cells growth.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy uses energy X-ray or other radiation to kill cancer cells or to reduce tumor size.This therapy can be achieved in two ways: from the outside - so that the source of radiation outside the body, a beam of high - energy beam is directed specifically to a small area to be treated or internal - so that the radiation source placed inside the body near the tumor or I even tumor.

Manner that will be used for particular patient depends on the stage in which the disease as well as the type of tumor in question. After repeated applications of radiation are the following side effects: fatigue, nausea and loss of appetite, loss of hair on the body part that is exposed to radiation, skin reactions at the site of radiation.


Because chemotherapy has not shown particular success in treating patients with kidney cancer, it is often not applied in their treatment.


Immunotherapy or biological therapy uses a patient's immune system (natural defense system) to fight cancer (interferon-alpha, interleukin-2). This therapy is also used to reduce the undesirable effects of other cancer therapies.

Therapy with interferon-alpha in clinical trials proved effective, but with a lot of side effects in some patients, this therapy led to complete regression of the disease and this condition is maintained for a long time. Data from clinical studies confirm that the use of interferon-alpha leads to an increase in one-year survival.

Interleukin-2 therapy also proved effective, and in some cases led to permanent and total remission (recovery from illness, healing). With the application of this therapy is also a frequent occurrence of side effects.

Antiangiogenesis therapy

Therapy aimed at reducing the number of existing tumor vessels as well as preventing the formation of new blood vessels in tumors called antiangiogenesis therapy. This effect can be achieved by acting on tumor cells at several levels. Depending on what level and kind of work for the molecules and how they work, drugs whose ultimate goal is to share the antiangiogeneza monoclonal antibody (bevacizumab), tyrosine kinase inhibitors (sorafenib, sunitinib) or more kinases simultaneously.

Antiangiogenesis combination therapy and immunotherapy, is in clinical trials proved very effective.

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Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney is the most common hereditary kidney disease, characterized by the occurrence of numerous serous cysts of the kidneys.


Polycystic kidney is the most common hereditary kidney disease, characterized by the occurrence of numerous serous cysts of the kidneys. There are two forms of the disease and to the adult form of the infantile form. The infantile form of the hereditary form, but if both parents have the defective gene, whereas the adult form, the form that appears in adult humans, but it is also hereditary, because it had a faulty gene from one parent and the faulty gene has overcome the common parent gene .

Adult form


The first symptoms appear about 30 years of age and the most common first symptom is pain in the loins, which, as the case may be stronger or weaker. In patients in whom the pain is weaker in the possible occurrence of blood in the urine (hematuria), while in patients who have severe and violent bouts of pain noted frequent renal sand or small stones in the urine. Patients also complain of a feeling of weakness, fatigue, asthenia and polyuria (increased amounts of urine). Notably, the increase in blood pressure in patients.
In more acute cases of the disease by touching the area of ​​the kidney, the hand can feel the rough surface of the kidney.


Some of the possible complications of polycystic kidney: occurrence of kidney infections, stones and bleeding, renal failure, hypertension and kidney cancer.


The safest and most accurate test for diagnosis of this disease is renal CT with contrast, although the need and the case history and clinical patients, renal ultrasound and blood tests and urine tests.
Urine tests are often determined by proteinuria, and urine are present and bacteria and pus.


Treatment consists of alleviating the existing problems of disease, reducing pain and preventing complications. Unfortunately there is no cure or treatment that could cure the disease completely.

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Cleaning the kidney

Kidneys are the organ rolling tract.
Responsible for this, that from our body eliminate toxins.
Every day our kidneys passes through about 200 liters of blood to be cleansed of poisons and toxins.
The kidneys also produce important hormones: erythropoietin (which stimulates production of red blood cells), renin (which regulates blood pressure) and calcitriol (the active form of vitamin D).

What is kidney cleansing?

In our body, but there is a natural cleaning mechanism of the kidney. If you are drinking enough fluids to form water, tea, etc., to clean the kidneys themselves.
Frequently cleaning the kidneys include some alternative products, which help detoxify the kidneys, improving their function and prevent the formation of kidney stones.

The benefits of cleansing the kidneys
According to the doctors of alternative medicine, in addition to improving their performance and prevent tartar formation, clean kidneys can also help eliminate toxins from the body, improve immunity, normalize blood pressure and improve the function of the urinary bladder.
If you plan to clean the kidneys, we recommend that you consult with your doctor alternative.
There are several types of kidney cleanse. Recipes include herbs, vitamins and certain types of food:

First Plants to clean the kidneys
It is considered that the following plants improves kidney function and help them clean up:
Marshmallow root
(Solidago virgaurea)

Second Foods that help clean the kidneys

lemon juice
cranberry juice
pumpkin seeds

Third Vitamins for kidney cleansing
Some alternative doctors recommend, to detoxify the kidneys use the following vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin B2
vitamin B6

Take care of your kidneys!

Here are some scientifically proven method to take care of your kidneys and decrease the risk of kidney disease:

Avoid cigarettes and excessive alcohol and caffeine
Keep blood pressure and sugar at normal levels
regularly for cholesterol
Drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses a day)
Maintain a healthy weight

Kidney Stones
A kidney stone is a hard substance, which arises from the crystals, which precipitate from urine and accumulate on the inner surfaces of the kidney. Symptoms of kidney stones are severe pain in the kidneys or lower abdomen. Kidney stones can cause difficulty in urination, blood in urine, nausea, vomiting and fever.

Prevention of kidney stones
You can reduce the risk of kidney stones by drinking plenty of water and reduce salt intake. People who have already had problems with kidney stones, you should avoid foods that contain lots of oxalate such as chocolate, turning, sesame, etc..

Recipes for cleansing the kidneys

Tea made from watermelon seeds for kidney stones
Edgar Cayce specifically recommended tea watermelon seeds to people who have kidney stones. It also helps stimulate kidney function:
To prepare the tea, you need a tablespoon melon seeds, previously cut.  Pour the seeds with a pint of boiling water and allow to cool. Then strain the tea and drink it immediately. If possible, always prepare fresh tea.
Drink tea three times a week, and you can drink it several times a day.

Tea made from the seeds of celery (Apium graveolens)
Tablespoon celery seeds, freshly ground or chopped, cover with a pint of boiling water and allow to cool. Strain the tea and drink it immediately. If possible, always prepare fresh tea.
Drink tea at least once a day, three times a week. Do not use this tea if you are pregnant.
Cleaning the kidney dr.Clark
This recipe is quite complicated. We tried to translate it as best we can. If the recipe you need to clarify something, please see details on the original page dr.Clark:
½ cup dried Hydrangea root - Woody of Hydrangea arborescens
½ cup of red root (Eupatorium purpureum)
½ cup Marshmallow root (Althea officinallis)
4  fresh parsley
tincture of hemp (Marten, pagan grass) (if you are allergic to omit from the recipe)
ginger powder
uva ursi
black cherry concentrate, 250 ml
pinch of vitamin B2 powder
vitamin B6, 250 mg
magnesium oxide tablets, 300 mg

Measure ¼ cup of each root and allow it to soak, together in 10 cups of cold tap water, using non-metallic container and non-metallic lid.
After four hours (or overnight) add 250 ml concentrated black cherry and gently boil for about 20 minutes. Drink ¼ cup when cool enough. The rest of the citrus put  in a sterile glass jar. Chill the bowl.
Boil the fresh parsley, after rinsing in one quarter of the water for three minutes. Drink ¼ cup when cool enough. Cool down a jar and freeze one. The rest of the parsley to make the soup and the like.
Every morning put together ¾ cup root mixture and ½ cup parsley water, filling a large cup. Add 20 drops of tincture of hemp. Drink this mixture in several doses throughout the day. Keep refrigerated.Do not drink all at once because you have stomach problems and you will feel the pressure in the bladder. If your stomach is very sensitive, start with half this dose.

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Nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome (Syndrome nephroticum) is a clinical condition characterized by heavy proteinuria (protein in urine), hypoproteinemia (decreased levels of protein in the blood) with hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia (elevated fats in the blood) and edema (the islands).

The cause of
Nephrotic syndrome can develop in a variety of immune, toxic, metabolic or vascular disorders, in which the damage occurs primarily as increased permeability of glomerular capillary wall. According to the causal disease nephrotic syndrome is usually divided into primary nephrotic syndrome, occurring in primary glomerular disease, and secondary nephrotic syndrome, which develops over a number of other diseases (systemic diseases-systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, sarcoidosis, hereditary and Metabolic Diseases - Alport syndrome, diabetes, amyloidosis, cancer, infection, allergens, toxins, and immunization, chemical compounds and drugs, circulatory disorders, etc.).

The clinical picture
The clinical picture intertwined are the symptoms and signs of underlying disease and nephrotic syndrome. The most characteristic sign are pale, doughy edema about the ankles, face and fingers, sometimes very severe, so as to give a picture of anasarca (generalized edema) with effusions in body cavities. The appearance of other signs of kidney disease (hypertension - high blood pressure, hematuria - blood in urine, azotemia - nitrogen components in the blood) and their expression depends on the nature glomerular damage.

Nephrotic syndrome can follow a number of complications. These patients are very prone to infections, then often suffer from atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease due to long-term hyperlipidemia. As there are complications and thrombosis, acute renal failure, endocrine and metabolic disorders and inadequate diet with abundant proteinuria can lead to malnutrition. The skin is dry, thin, brittle nails, with white cross races, the hair is dry, colorless, often present and anemia.

It is based on clinical picture, laboratory tests (urine and blood test)

Treatment depends on the causal disease. Patients can propose appropriate hygiene - dietary regimen, along with symptomatic therapy, and treatment of complications. It is advisable to rest, a normal protein intake and restricted salt intake. The combination of diuretics are used to increase urine output and reduce edema.

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Why do kidneys fail?

What everyone should know about kidney diseases
Ph.D. Svjetlana Cala, a kidney

How can you KNOW that your kidneys functioning poorly?
Most patients who embarks on dialysis did not know she has a kidney disease, because it is not treated, they were faced with kidney failure just a month before he started treatment with hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. Chronic kidney disease does not hurt, it silently damages the kidneys and are showing signs only when the kidneys are almost completely "consumed".
The average patient who goes on dialysis is 66 years, more frequently male, overweight, diabetes, high blood pressure and blood fats, "but it did not much mind, until recently, it felt good and made plans to enjoy the deserved retirement. sugar values ​​in recent years were not particularly high. has high blood pressure, but pressure to all the family. "

WHY KIDNEY you go with?
Loss of renal function due to which life must go on dialysis or a kidney transplant, most commonly caused by diabetes. What was previously called senile diabetes, mild diabetes or diabetes benign disease is not benign. A third of patients who need to undergo dialysis to survive, they lost their kidneys due to diabetes.
Kidneys (and other organs), and it destroys diabetes, which apparently does not cause great difficulties, in which blood sugar may not be very high, which is not treated with insulin, even those not treated with tablets. It happens to detect diabetes at the same time as kidney failure, and the patient for her previously did not even know. This does not mean that diabetes was not before, but its characters were unrecognized or ignored. To destroy the kidneys, diabetes should be about twenty years.
Long-standing high blood pressure, particularly poorly treated, gradually damages the smallest blood vessels of the kidney and prevents the kidneys are working normally. High blood pressure causes no symptoms and do not warn patients need treatment until they make a permanent damage to the kidneys, heart, brain. Because hypertension is pain free, frequent and continuous, many neglect the treatment of hypertension. In particular, some people carried out the instructions of a healthy lifestyle, which is a key part of the treatment of hypertension. More and more obese people, obesity is a major cause of high blood pressure. Hypertensives begin to regularly take medication only when they have symptoms of heart damage, brain and blood vessels.
Atherosclerosis (narrowing of arteries due to delay fat) cause is reduced blood flow that leads to heart attack, stroke, ruptured aorta, the withering away of the legs to be amputated. The narrowing of renal arteries prevents the normal functioning of the kidneys, the kidneys are small and ultimately fails.And this is a renal disease imperceptible and painless, sometimes the only sign of worsening hypertension long time.
Kidneys can fail and the disease which affected only the beginning of the kidneys. Glomerulonephritis is an immune disease that can cause kidney failure. Polycystic kidney disease is the most common hereditary kidney disease. Kidney stones and congenital kidney disorders, particularly associated with bacterial infections can lead to deterioration of kidney function.
Diabetes mellitus, hypertension and atherosclerosis are common diseases. In Croatia, diabetes has a one in ten adults, hypertension, there are 40% and 52% of people die from heart and blood vessels.Because renal failure usually occurs due to diabetes, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, acting individually, but more often the same persons associated.

Can it be prevented kidney function decline?
If kidney damage is detected early, apply the treatment that can slow or stop further damage to the kidneys, or even repair the damage. Chronic kidney disease and risk of loss of renal function can be detected early in the examination of urine and blood. Protein in the urine talking about the danger of deterioration of the kidneys, the blood creatinine in calculating the degree of existing renal impairment. The main goal of treatment is to reduce the leakage of protein into the urine, the choice of medicines for blood pressure. It will be applied and any other measures that preserve kidney.

Chronic kidney disease is not only a risk for kidney function decline and the need of dialysis treatment.Much higher risk of premature death in patients with reduced kidney function and protein in the urine.Kidney disease worsens blood vessels, heart and brain, decreases quality of life (after a heart attack, stroke, amputation) and increases the risk of death for more than 10 times.

WHOSE must test the kidneys?
People with known renal disease require regular treatment and control.
All people with diabetes, hypertension, those whose relatives had been treated by dialysis and those with heart or blood vessels need to check blood and urine tests to determine the condition of the kidneys.

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Inflammation of the kidney (pyelonephritis)

Pyelonephritis or kidney infection, a serious bacterial infection of the kidney may be acute or chronic.


One of the most common kidney disease, acute pyelonephritis is a sudden inflammation of the kidneys caused by bacteria. First of all, the area affected by intestinal and renal pelvis or less frequently renal tubules.

Chronic pyelonephritis is permanent kidney inflammation that can leave scars in the kidneys and can lead to chronic renal failure. This kidney disease is most common in patients who are predisposed to have restored to them acute pyelonephritis.

Causes of Kidney inflammation

In by far the majority of cases, inflammation of the kidneys caused by bacteria that comes from outside and travel through the urinary system through the urethra to the bladder, and finally from the bladder to the kidneys. In this case, is known as the growing infection. This may explain why women, whose urethra is shorter and closer to the anal opening, the potential source of bacteria, are four times more represented than men kidney infection.

There is a belief by doctors that, sometimes, in much rarer cases, a bacterial infection causing pyelonephritis may develop in another part of the body and the blood lead to kidney failure.

Urine flow in the opposite direction, ie. back, is known as reflux and can be caused by anatomical defect or obstruction. In the first case, instead of solid lid that separates the bladder and ureter, there is a wide opening. During urination leads to contraction of the bladder and urine rather than in one direction, flowing in both directions, outward - through the urethra and inward through the urethra (urinary channels that connect the kidneys to the bladder). This defect is easily corrected, and those who have it, they are exposed to frequent infections.

Obstructions that cause reflux in women, usually in the form of narrowing or scar tissue caused by infection or inflammation of the urethra. Among young people, this narrowing occurs less frequently and usually result from sexually transmitted infections. In older men, the prostate is often responsible for the obstacles that impede the proper flow of urine.
Reflux can be caused by placing a catheter or instrument, such as cystoscopes sake of diagnosis or treatment. Putting any foreign body in an area where there is an obstruction, carries more risk of infection to be more difficult to treat.

Symptoms of kidney

Whatever the cause, the symptoms of acute bacterial pyelonephritis are usually the same. The first symptoms are usually tremors, chills permeation through the whole body, accompanied by high fever and joint and muscle pain, including pain in her hips. It is possible that the symptoms do not draw attention to the kidneys.

The situation can be especially confusing for children, where high temperatures can suddenly make a mental block or change in mental status, or older, where high temperatures can result in confusion, or infection may be masked by pain.

There may be irritating symptoms (burning pain during urination, the need for urinate or frequent urination).

In acute infections, the symptoms develop rapidly, first noticed fever, which usually follow after the change in color of urine, and tenderness in the flank. As the inflammation of the kidney develops, there is pain, loss of appetite, headache and all the standard signs of infection develop. This kind of pain in the kidney is different from cramps in my stomach as a result of kidney stones, in that they are continuous and occur in waves, stay in one spot and is exacerbated if the person moves.

Patients with chronic pyelonephritis may have acute infection, with sometimes no symptoms, or symptoms may be so mild that they go unnoticed. This carries the risk that the inflammation may progress slowly and unnoticed for many years, until it comes to the degradation caused by kidney failure. Therefore, hypertension (high blood pressure) or anemia, or symptoms that are associated with renal insufficiency may be the first indicators of trouble. Unfortunately, when it does, it may have been irreversible damage.


Your physiotherapist will take a medical history, conduct a physical exam, and recommend tests of which are likely to be blood and blood cultures, urinalysis, urine culture, and possibly renal ultrasound studies.

Treatment of renal

Antibiotic treatment to be prescribed depends on the particular microorganism that infected the body, which is determined urine culture. When a microorganism can be identified, treatment failure is usually composed of a broad spectrum antibiotic. Symptoms may disappear after several days of treatment with antibiotics. Although the urine becomes sterile within 48 hours to 72 hours of therapy, such therapy is 21 days.

Patients with dangerous infections or factors, complications may require hospitalization, even for a grace period of treatment. Some patients may require surgical operations to remove noise or correct anatomical abnormalities.

Therapy following the surgery, including taking urine culture for several weeks after taking the drugs, to eliminate the possibility of surviving infection.

Patients who are at high risk of return of urinary tract and kidneys, as well as those long used Foly catheter, requiring long-term therapy after surgery.

What to ask the doctor about kidney infection?

What is the cause of inflammation and infection?
Is there an anatomical defect or obstruction, hindrance?
Can this defect be corrected?
Does the use of prescribed antibiotics?
What can be done to minimize further infection?
Whether the surgery is an option?
Is there a risk of eventual termination of the kidney?

In some cases, inflammation of the kidneys can be prevented by timely detection and treatment of lower urinary tract infections that, if left untreated, can progress to this, much more dangerous situation.

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Diet for kidney patients

Diet is determined by the type and degree of illness. The diet is not only agrees to the permissible and impermissible foods but often changes the course of the disease, and therefore require contact with the doctor and the patient and the housewife who takes care of dietary food in the house. Each type of child is limited to certain composition of foods. In this diet is to limit refers to the protein, which may be reduced or completely omitted. When the patient is in home care, it is considered that his condition before the healing, but continues  diet ordered by the physician. During this period a little more protein, especially animal. In addition to reduced protein, reduced the amount of salt, it was completely with minimal salting. Therefore, the diet is low in sodium. Calorific value from 2000 to 2500 calories a day.

Thus, the basic ingredients selected from the group of carbohydrates, fats and vegetables: We mentioned that it is a 'salt restriction, and therefore advised housewives to such a diet is very difficult to implement, or dress up the taste of patient satisfaction. The diet is monotonous, as long as the doctor does not raise or not to add the amount of protein that broke the monotony. It depends a lot on the goodwill and desire for healing the patient, on the other hand, the good housekeeper who will endeavor to make such a diet the patient more accessible. Once part of patients suffering from kidney disease and the liquid limit, and this factor will influence the menu, for example. reduced consumption of tea, soup and more. In order to facilitate selection of foods, we'll list the permissible and impermissible foods in the diet strictly non salt, if a physician restricts salt. To help the hostess, we attach a menu with a low protein in various combinations. In this menu the hostess, as directed by your doctor, adding new ingredients, the quantity or type. You need to know: 1. how much is allowed to add salt and 2. how much protein should contain a menu, as instructed physicians, 3 if restricted fluid


Meat: beef, beef, pork, lamb, poultry, liver, fish, eggs.

Cereal: unsalted crackers, unsalted bread, pasta and rice without salt, no salt. Vegetables: lettuce, tomatoes, peas, green beans, potatoes, asparagus, cucumbers.

Dairy products: skim milk.

Fats: butter, oil, cream 40-50 grams.

Drinks: natural fruit juices, wine and beer.


Meat: all dried and cured meat, canned pure meat or meat with vegetables, dried fish, canned soups, extracts.

Cereals: bread, salted, salted crackers, salted pasta.

Vegetables: All canned vegetables, sauerkraut, pickled beets, kale, kohlrabi, zucchini, spinach, radishes, Brussels sprouts.

Fats: All fats salt

Dairy products: all kinds of cheese, sour milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, egg white.

Drinks: mineral water.

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