Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Natural remedies for urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are a very common problem, especially among women. Today, there are a number of drugs that can be used to treat urinary tract infections. Drugs sometimes have adverse side effects. Nature gives us the full range of compositions that can be used to aid in urinary tract infections. The largest number of drugs made from the extraction of medicinal plants. 

Before using natural remedies  you necessarily need to see a doctor, and to do urine analysis.  Your doctor will decide whether you need to do some additional tests. 

There are a number of plants that have beneficial effects on the kidneys and urinary system. The most commonly  we use herbs that increase the secretion of urine, or have a diuretic effect.  Many of them also have antiseptic and antibacterial activity. These are uva ursi tea, birch, horsetail, nettles, thorn rabbit, corn silk, cranberry, thyme and rose hip.

Depending on the type of kidney disease are recommended and certain herbal teas. We had famous blend of teas for the kidneys, which has long been used to cleanse the kidneys and the entire body. This blend is made from nettle, St. John's wort and chicory.  This tea is good for kidney stones and renal cysts. At the same time detoxifying your entire body. This tea speeds up the kidneys and should not be used longer than twenty days. 

Teas that increase urination does not take long to use and occasionally need to take a break.  In patients who have the sand and stones in the kidney is typically used, which is a combination of tea leaves and birch nettle, hops  and rod. Sometimes the above mixture and add a little lady's mantle, which soothes pain and muscle spasm. 

Before using tea needed to perform a medical examination and if it is possible to determine what kind of stone it is (oxalates, carbonates), and according to the findings of used tea to dissolve kidney stones.

If your urine test shows protein, leukocytes, and other pathological materials, recommended tea St John of flowers or cleavers. Be sure to use before you need to visit a doctor. 

Bacterial infections of the urinary tract, such as E. coli infections, streptococcus and staphylococcus besides consuming diuretic teas are recommended and teas which have antiseptic and antibacterial activity. These are uvin tea, cranberry, rabbit, thyme and chicory. 

Cranberry is known popularly as the red bilberry, and to treat urinary infections. Cranberry fruit because of its high content of vitamin C increases the acidity of the lining of the urinary tract, which favors the growth of bacteria. Cranberries leaves destroys bacteria such as E. coli. Pregnant women should be careful with using uva ursi cause it can produce uterine contractions if consumed in large quantities. 

Tannins adversely affect the kidneys, but also in some other organs, and is not recommended for people who have heart problems. Uva ursi  tea you should not drink more than seven days. 
Unlike the list of reserves, cranberry tea leaf can be consumed indefinitely, because there is no such side effects 

Bacterial infections of the urinary tract can be treated successfully by birch leaf tea to which is added a bit of baking soda, which has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-bacterial effect and creates an unfavorable base to the urinary tract, which kills bacteria. 

Tea made from cranberry fruit is always used after antibiotics to treat bacterial infections of the urinary tract. Cranberry stimulates the immune system, while at the same time and creates a protective layer, which prevents E. coli that inhabit the urethra. This tea should be suitable to preventative care. 

Never in my hand reach for the antibiotics. Make a physical examination and urinalysis. Natural remedies are very effective when it comes to urinary tract infections . Frequent use of antibiotics is dangerous, because it leads to the development of resistant strains to antibiotics cease to be effective. At long use of antibiotics there is the possibility of developing a fungal infection with Candida. The use of antibiotics should be reduced to a minimum. Use medicines that improve immunity. Do not overdo it with natural products. Long-term use of nettle can cause hives. 
Frequent consumption uva ursi tea can cause heart problems. 
Sometimes instead of coffee you make yourself a cup of tea cranberry. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Food for kidney patients

In kidney disease, special attention must be paid to diet. Proper diet can significantly slow down the deterioration of kidney disease and the start of hemodialysis.

People who have kidney disease should not eat foods rich in potassium, because it can be life threatening.
Sick kidneys have the ability to eliminate the rule of potassium from the body. High values ​​of potassium in the body can cause fatal cardiac arrhythmias.

Any person who has a diagnosis of kidney disease is wondering what to eat, how to slow down kidney damage and prevent dialysis?

Diet for kidney patients
The following is a list of foods that are harmful to the kidneys:

Nutrition for kidney patients should be carefully planned and controlled.
People who suffer from kidney disease (acute or chronic renal failure, elevated levels of urea and creatinine) should be adjusted diet that will not further burden their kidneys or exacerbate underlying disease.

The main goal of customized food for renal protein intake is reduced, a reduced intake of fluid and salt in order to reduce the load of diseased kidneys.

Protein intake should be limited to about 40 g per day.

Food for kidney patients
Kidney patients can eat the following foods: chicken, turkey, unsalted cheese, fish, egg, yogurt and skim milk.
Daily energy intake should come mainly from carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.
For kidney patients are recommended: corn, corn bread, pasta, unsalted biscuits, rice.
Vegetables that should eat kidney patients include: cabbage, zucchini, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, green beans, carrots, beets, green and red peppers, roasted potatoes, onions and garlic.
Fruit not eat kidney patients include: pears, apples, oranges, strawberries, grapes, raspberries, blackberries.

Food for kidney patients should be prepared without added salt, so it is advisable to use as a flavoring herbs.
In patients with no urinary excretion of reduced and in which there are islands and high blood pressure, can allow the use of a moderate salt.

In cases of increased serum potassium values, exclude from your diet foods rich in potassium as PTO are: tomatoes, spinach, lentils, beans, bananas, figs, apricots.

Foods that should be excluded from the diet are: industrial soup (soup out of the bag), cubes of soup, meat products, canned products, alcoholic and sweet fizzy drinks.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Diet for kidney patients

Celery, radishes, and cranberries are healthy kidney 

Celery,  horseradish and radishes are powerful 'blood purifier' that are friendly to your kidneys. The above plants can maintain the health of your kidneys.
In addition to the regular consumption of these plants for healthy kidneys need restrict salt intake, the processed meats and sugary drinks. This procedure significantly reduces the risk of kidney stones

The kidneys are organs that boys shape of the beans, and the size of men's hands. These bodies have the perfect mechanism for the processing of various substances, and their task is to maintain the blood clean from toxins.
Daily through urine eliminate waste products and water. Kidney function is extremely important, because if you keep up with your homework, waste products accumulate in the blood and cause uremia.

Daily pass through the kidneys and important substances such as electrolytes and minerals. The kidneys maintain their balance. Kidneys decide how much sodium, potassium and phosphorus retained in the body, and how much will be extracted.

Kidneys except regulation of water and electrolyte and have some additional functions such as the release of the three vital hormones important for the synthesis of red blood cells, participating in the regulation of arterial blood of pressure and maintenance of the optimal level of calcium in the body.The balance of mentioned substances essential for optimal health.

Healthy kidneys have a large reserve capacity and can cope with and the most unhealthy diet, you can eliminate a large amount of harmful substances. However, every organ in the body has its limits. If you terrorizing your body every day, and if in your family, there are people with diseased kidneys, have to be very careful. You need to keep your kidneys, pay attention to diet and regular control of their function. A large number of kidney disease is hereditary.
If renal function begins to decline, caused various problems. Namely, then the kidney can no longer be so effectively throw all the harmful substances that occur in our body and is necessary to help him in the form of customized nutrition.

Food that is undesirable for your kidneys
Although each person is special biochemical individual, there are certain nutrients that need attention when it comes to the health of the kidneys. Primarily must be controlled intake of protein and phosphorus in the diet, but also pay attention to the sodium and phosphorus. Smart is a diet plan created in collaboration with a physician or nutritionist. However, certain changes in your diet have to do it yourself.

First of all it is necessary to limit the amount of protein in the diet, as it will help in reducing the production of waste. In short, there is less load on the kidneys, which keeps its backup capability. How much protein daily may enter depends on the severity of the condition, but of course sometimes you need to choose animal foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products because they provide all the amino acids needed by the body. With milk and dairy products still should not be exaggerated because of the high levels of phosphorus.

The balance of calcium and phosphorus is important in the body for the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. But if the kidneys are not working optimally, phosphorus can accumulate in the blood and cause a'' pull'' of calcium from the bones. In addition, high levels of phosphorus can cause a number of symptoms, such as pain in the bones and muscles, and heart failure and the occurrence of life-threatening arrhythmias. It is therefore necessary to limit the intake of foods rich in phosphorus, such as meat, nuts, seeds, legumes, and milk and cheese. Many carbonated beverages, are rich in phosphorus and is necessary to forget about them.

Sodium in the diet comes mainly from salt. The limitation of salt intake helps control blood pressure and prevents the retention (retention) in the body fluid. Processed and canned foods also contain large amounts of sodium, so it is important to be sure to read the declaration on product. Some mineral waters can be high in sodium. If it is related to the sodium bicarbonate does not have an adverse effect on arterial blood pressure. On the contrary, the mineral water has a rich bicarbonate proven beneficial effect on blood pressure.

The sick kidneys are not able to effectively eliminate the potassium which leads to an excessive build-up in his blood. Increased potassium is the biggest risk in kidney disease. Increased potassium threatens your life and can lead to fatal heart rhythm disturbances. Increased potassium is one of the factors why people with kidney failure go on dialysis.

Bananas, oranges, potatoes and tomatoes are potent sources of potassium, but it contains other fruits and vegetables in larger or smaller amounts, so caution is necessary in the composition of the menu.

An important part of the diet seems adequate fluid intake. Healthy kidneys is not a problem if a person drinks a day for two to three liters of water. On the contrary, water is necessary for the normal functioning of the kidneys and removal of poisons. However, contrary to the situation in healthy people, in people with kidney disease must be reduced and controlled intake of fluids and electrolytes.