Monday, October 28, 2013

What is dangerous for your kidneys?

The man does not know how lucky he is when healthy. In working with patients with renal failure, dialysis, which sustains life, I realized just how important the kidneys and how little we are trying to ease their hard work. On the contrary, most of us every day doing things that threaten the health of our fellow kidney.

The kidneys are organs that steam have many functions in the body. The kidneys filter the blood and removes harmful substances from our body maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, regulate blood pressure and produce substances that maintain normal blood composition (erythropoietin). The basic unit of the kidney is called the nephron. Kidney nephrons filter every 45 minutes the whole blood from the body and produce about 2 liters of urine in 24 hours.

Kidney, liver, together with the most powerful natural mechanism to detoxify our body and disrupt their daily health. Every few exceptions!

The following is the story of substances in large quantities and daily consumption harm our body.

1 Increased intake of salt
In moderate amounts of salt is necessary for our bodies, but larger amounts cause us harm. When you eat salt and salty foods make a great load for the kidneys, besides increasing blood pressure. The high pressure damages the body and all organs, primarily the kidneys, heart. brain and eyes. One teaspoon of salt a day is quite enough. People who are diagnosed with a kidney disease and high blood pressure should reduce salt in your diet.  Reduce consumation of salt meat products (pâté, salami, ham, sausage, dried meat) and salty cheeses. Soup from the bag are also unhealthy.

2 Painkillers can be dangerous
There are certain groups of drugs that are highly neprotoxic. Some of these drugs, such as aminoglycoside antibiotics can rapidly and in a short time, damage your kidneys. Also Tylenol, which is widely used in daily life, headache, fever, pain in the bones, to soothe menstrual pain also damage the kidneys. a kidney disease called analgesic nephropathy. I tell you this name speaks for itself.Kidney damage can make some medicines for high blood pressure.

3 Sugar is also not harmless

Excessive sugar intake can cause multiple problems such as obesity and diabetes. Do not forget the fact that the highest percentage of patients to hemodialysis because of diabetes.

4 Cigarette smoking

Ingredients other than tobacco smoke damages the lungs and heart, damage blood vessels and kidneys.The kidneys are mostly built of blood vessels, and smoking increases the risk of just blood vessels thrombosis.  Particularly dangerous cigarette smoking among people with diabetes.

I tried briefly to show you how important it is to think of the daily health of your kidneys. Kidneys have a large reserve capacity. The biggest problem with kidney disease is that it is difficult to detect in the advanced stages.
One common urine test can tell you a lot. Never frivolous understand the presence of proteins (protein) in the urine. If you have high blood pressure, be sure to check kidney function. If you have anemia in blood Always check kidney function! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Do you know how dangerous are urinary tract infections?

How many of you have interfere with urination? Do you know how much trouble can I make frequent urinary tract infections, especially in women? Long-term, untreated bladder infection can sample an acute or chronic inflammation of the kidney and pyelonephritis. Chronic pyelonephritis can ultimately lead to kidney failure.


Pyelonephritis is the most common term for inflammation of the kidneys. This is a very serious kidney disease, which can be acute (sudden) and chronic. Acute pyelonephritis is a very common disease and is usually caused by bacteria. It often occurs spreading bacterial flora of the colon or due to infection of the female sex organs. Infection usually the channel system of the kidney or renal calices. Glomeruli are rarely affected. Chronic pyelonephritis is due to chronic or recurrent infections urunarnih, leads to fibrosis (scarring) in the kidney, the activation of the inflammatory response. It can leave a very serious consequences and lead to a gradual and permanent deterioration of renal tissue and their functions. Often affects people who are predisposed to repeated infections of the bladder due to anatomical malformations of the urinary system, and in patients with reduced immunity. A particular problem is the mechanism of abnormal urination, such as vesicouretheral reflux.

Causes of kidney infections

The majority of pyelonephritis is caused by bacteria that come from the urethra and bladder. This phenomenon is called the ascendant (rising or rising) kidney infection. It is very common among women which have a shorter urethra, making the bacteria more easily and quickly spread to the kidney. Women  have about 4 times more urinary tract infections.
Restoring the urine in the opposite direction, ie. back, is called reflux and can be caused by anatomical abnormalities or obstructions. In the first case, instead of a hard cap between the bladder and urethra, there is a wide opening. During voiding the bladder contracts and urine instead of forward flow in both directions. Vesicoureteral reflux is detected by special examination techniques and very difficult to treat this disorder.

Obstructions that cause reflux in women, usually in the form of narrowing of the urethra due to frequent infections.
In younger people such strictures occur rarely and usually are the result of sexually transmitted infections, especially hlamidijskog urethritis. In older people, the problems usually produces enlargement of the prostate. Reflux can be caused by the insertion of catheters or instruments, especially when performing cystoscopy.

Separate Preble with urinary infections have impaired the act of urination (paraplegia) and chronic patients with permanent disbursed cateter. Kidney and urinary tract infections are also common in pregnant women because of the pressure of the uterus, which changes the motility of the ureter due to the effects of pregnancy hormones (progesterone).

Symptoms of kidney infections

Symptoms of pyelonephritis are usually in the form of a sharp burning sensation when urinating, difficult, painful, frequent urination, with the appearance of fever, chills and pain in the area of ​​the cross (lumbar region). You appear malaise, muscle pain, joint pain and sometimes vomiting.Sometimes the symptoms are classic and there is no interference with urination, and sometimes suspected disease in the abdomen in the form of appendicitis and the like.

In children, the disease may have atypical clinical picture, where the high temperatures occurring altered mental status, impaired consciousness, including febrile convulsions. In acute infections, the symptoms develop quickly, first observed high temperature, after which usualy discoloration of urine, and pain and brittle. As infection progresses, there are also symptoms of general intoxication, loss of appetite, headache, and all signs of general intoxication of the organism. Sometimes a urinary tract infection can turn into severe sepsis, which is called sepsis.

Patients with chronic pyelonephritis may have an acute exacerbation, sometimes there are no symptoms, or symptoms may be very mild and go unnoticed. This seemingly harmless situation can be very dangerous, because the inflammation goes unnoticed and permanently damage kidney function.The first indication of deterioration of renal function may be anemia and high blood pressure.

The diagnosis of kidney inflammation
The diagnosis of pyelonephritis is made based on symptoms, physical examination, laboratory tests of blood and urine, urine culture, abdominal ultrasound, and if there is suspicion of reflux then do additional x-rays.

Treatment of kidney inflammation

When you isolate the cause of antibiotic therapy is indicated. When the cause is not identified using the broad-spectrum antibiotics. The urine usually becomes sterile within 48-72 hours after initiation of therapy, treatment should be carried out to the end. Commonly used prolonged antibiotic therapy (21 days), and again repeated urine.

In severe forms of pyelonephritis, which are accompanied by acute worsening of renal function and sepsis, required hospital treatment. Patients with reflux is the most common surgical treatment is indicated.

Patients who are at high risk of re-infection of the urinary tract and kidneys, as well as those with prolonged use of Foley catheter, requiring long-term therapy.

What should you ask a doctor d on kidney infections?

What is the cause of infection and inflammation?
Is there an anatomical defect, obstruction or hindrance?
Can the defect be corrected?
Is it necessary to use antibiotics?
What can be done to reduce the progression of the infection?
Is surgery is one of the treatment options?
Is there a risk of eventual kidney failure?

Remember that prevention is the best medicine.
In most cases, inflammation of the kidneys can be prevented by timely detection and proper treatment of long-term lower urinary tract infections.
Urinary tract infections, especially recurrent, not a harmless condition and carry a high risk of kidney damage.
Never forget that in spite of highly effective antibiotic that has a current medicine, uvea tea does the most good your urinary tract.